Blog Layout


June 17, 2024

“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” – Wayne Dyer. 

In my last blog post I talked about the basics of karma relative to your thoughts and actions in day-to-day life. I also mentioned that reincarnation and karma went hand in hand. Let’s take another step and look a little deeper at this mysterious cosmic force that plays a vital role in the world as we think we know it. 

What’s important to understand right out of the gate is that karma, for all intensity and purposes is a construct that is primarily fixed to this third universal dimension. It is a “tool” for us to learn from on a soul level. Again, a universal law of action. We get back what we put out. I think we can all agree and accept that. 

Now, as I eluded to in my prior blog, “instant” karma can and does come around, giving us corresponding results within short time frames in our current life experience. However it is the exception, not the rule. What you’ve got to remember is that there is no set time frame relative to repercussions from your thoughts or actions on your part towards another person. Karma is a balancing of those thoughts and actions. Often times they may not appear in your awareness until a different life experience, tens or even hundreds of years in either the future or past. 

Yes, I said past. Linear time only exists in this dimension. You are actually experiencing several lives simultaneously in your current now. What you do now has a ripple effect and can touch in on any or all of the parallel lives you’re living, some in what we know as future and some in what we understand as past, depending on the timeline that your higher- self places you on. 

When your current life is done and your soul fragment returns to the astral realm, and after it reacclimates itself to the spiritual world, your essence along with your higher self (soul complex), and your guides and close soul mates “gather” to map out your next life experience. Every soul has a plan and mission for its growth into oneness with All That Is. Based on what you need to experience, plans are formulated taking into consideration any karmic balancing that needs to take place. 

That’s all well and good, however, two hitches come into play once you have incarnated into a new life experience. The first is the veil of forgetfulness, which shrouds us from remembering anything from our astral/spiritual home and the plans we set in motion. This in itself seems counterproductive, but from a higher perspective it just allows us to be fully engaged with our current now and its lessons for our growth. Just think how confusing it would be if we came here remembering everything we’ve done and experienced over hundreds or even thousands of lifetimes. We’d be too mentally exhausted to focus on our now. 


The second hitch is free will. This we will always have, through the 7th universal dimension anyway. When we design each life experience which would include karmic balancing, by the time we get to the probability point in that lifetime where it could play out, we could choose to go into another direction and avoid a circumstance that would play out the karma. This would push it to either a different point in the timeline, or another lifetime altogether. 

There’s one other point to make relative to karma. As we advance and grow on a soul level and upon ascending into life experiences in the 5th universal dimension  and higher, there is no longer any need for this karmic balancing per se as we do here in 3rd dimension. In planning out our lives in the higher dimensions we can choose something called self-karma. This simply means that we’re choosing to give ourselves certain situations that may be more difficult than we necessarily need, but our dealings with it can empower us more and add to our wisdom as we continue our spiritual sojourn. 

Ascension and life in the 5th dimension is a pretty fascinating topic. Perhaps we’ll chat about that at some point down the road. 

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