Available to large or small groups. Companies, schools, clubs and organizations.
Learn new ideas and concepts that will change the way you understand the life process.
When you are hungry for change in your life and you come together with new knowledge, ideas and methods, you will be inspired.
Understand Your Roll as the Co-Creator of Your Life
Based on my book; Genesis 101, the Metaphysical Cosmology in the Process of Creation.
Self-Empowerment & Vision Board Workshop
Full day immersion to understand the power of your dreams and desires & how they come into fruition and building your own vision board.
The Real Power of Imagination
A deeper look into your divine creative faculty and how thoughts become things. Meet the ultimate Creator.
The Human Journey on Earth
Explore the part of you that always was and always will be. A deep dive into the two aspects of self that everyone has had questions or concerns about at one time or another. Give yourself an opportunity to expand your awareness while acknowledging a sense of freedom for yourself. Become fearless as you continue on your journey and boldly follow your heart.
*All Lectures & Workshops can be customized to your needs.*
Transformational Life Coaching
I offer an in depth coaching program tailored to your specific needs and desires. This is a serious look at everything about you which will include
your very values and belief systems which contribute to what you are experiencing now. Tell me what you want, and I'll show you what you have
to do to get it. There is a two month commitment with daily contact in some form. This can transform your life if you really want it to!
Currently only taking local clients due to the nature of the work and personal one on one is imperative.
Call for Information Regarding Your Interest