- Debbie Ford
Over the last several years, one of the activities I really enjoy is antiquing. There’s just something about walking around in an antique mall or small-town antique shop that brings out that nostalgic feeling from times past that seems to sooth my soul. I’ve bought several items over time that I love having around my home. There seems to be this invisible energy type connection to certain things, be it something you had or recognized from your childhood, or in my case even beyond that to a more primitive era. I really love old authentic furniture, anything wood really. There’s a hidden story in all of it and it seemingly speaks to me on some level.
Although I don’t buy much anymore, I still can’t resist an antique shop, and there are plenty of them where I now reside. Some of them actually call to me like there’s a part of me in there somewhere. A quiet mysterious part of my being that comes alive with the stimulation through sight, touch, and even smell of something long ago. To be in touch with those parts of the self is such a blessing when you think about it.
Our world these days has been so filled with stimuli from the social medias to global unrest, to disinformation to misinformation and on and on. A virtual merry-go-round that never sleeps. We get sucked into various narratives, forcing so many to wear false faces just to get along. Being someone you’re not. Accepting everything that comes down the pipeline just to fit in. Is it a wonder that so many don’t know what they want or even who they are anymore? We’ve slowly allowed our authenticity to dissipate, if we even had it at all, depending on how old you are.
When I speak of authenticity I mean it right down to the very core of your being. I mean it from the part of you that actually feels your true essence. I realize that may sounds more than obscure, but there is such a place. Not literally, but figuratively, and we all have access to it. It’s your natural state. It’s a state of complete peace and safety. It’s a state that should be recognized as your foundation. From this place, go forth and live your life. This place of the true self really has no beginning, nor does it end. It’s where you came from before you became your present you. It’s where you will go after you’ve completed being you. It is all loving and it’s just beyond your next breath.
When you are ready to awaken to who you really are, as a spiritual being having a human experience, it will feel like you’re truly home and you’re allowing yourself to experience all the various facets of life. The perceived good with the perceived bad. You’ll understand that it’s really all good, because there’s learning and growing taking place on a soul level. You can’t fail at this. That part of you that’s been sleeping so long is stirring and when it awakens it will be hungry. The nourishment it craves is your attention to it. Acceptance of your true Divinity.
You are a multi-dimensional and multi-faceted being, hiding in a dusty old shop with so much history. Wouldn’t it be nice to touch in with it from time to time? I think you’ll be surprised at what you may find. Not only that, but it’s a safe haven from the noise of our crazy outside world. To be in the world, but not of it.