- Ernest Holmes
I recently read a story that I’d like to share with you.
Kambel Smith of Philadelphia, an individual with autism, could not stop painting. When his father, Lonnie, ran out of money for canvases, Smith turned to cardboard, building elaborate sculptures. Lonnie knew his son had a gift, if he could only get others to recognize it.
By chance, a well-connected neighbor saw Kambel in his front yard creating one of his sculptures. She shared photos on Facebook and introduced him to an art curator who presented Kambel to the art world. Now his works are exhibited in prominent museums, galleries and private collections, selling for thousands of dollars.
Why did it take so long for Kambel Smith to be recognized as an artist? Because people weren’t expecting a person with autism to demonstrate his talent. Autism is labeled as a disability, but it is an extreme ability. The Smith family calls people with autism “Autisarians” with superhuman abilities. They’ve set out to change peoples perceptions by creating a nonprofit to help other people with autism discover their own gifts.
Kambel’s story provides an important lesson. The truth is, all of us come from the same Divine Source, but that Source is individuated in each of us, expressing Itself in vastly different ways. When we look at another, we can choose to first perceive the Divine and then look for how It manifests through the person before us. When we look for the Divine, there is never a misperception.
As beautiful of a story as this is, I can almost hear you thinking, “it just seems too hard to look at others and see a Divine being”. And that may be so, especially with so much ugliness and fear in our current world. However, I’m thinking that perhaps you could start with yourself first. I know, I know, that may sound even harder, but consider the word “gentle”. It’s a nice soft word that brings an easiness to your demeanor. So, let’s bring this idea of Divine Perception to the self now.
Repeat this statement and see how it feels to you. “I am a gentle spirit and a blessing to the world”. Now that doesn’t feel so bad does it? No doubt there will be times when you may not feel or be as gentle with yourself as you could be. You may be too self-critical or too quick to focus on your faults. This is when it’s important to be gentle with yourself, peaceful in mind and tender in your heart. Value your uniqueness. After all, there is no one else like you, no one who fills your particular place in the world.
Embrace a new mindset and deepen your perception with yourself and others. Honor your truth as a spiritual being and express the goodness and grace of God as only you can.