If you’re like most humans living on this planet at this time, there is at least a small interest in knowing what’s going on either around the world or at least locally each day at some point after awakening. Some people click on the news in some format before their eyes are fully open or even before coffee. For the love of God, I don’t quite get that but, to each their own.
Depending upon how you look at it these times we’re living in can be perceived as either a blessing or a curse. I say that because some may see a wide scope awakening and a cleansing from an old paradigm to a new one, where others may just be in total fear mode seeing the smaller picture of restrictions and radical change. Either way, humans are a naturally curious lot and there is certainly a plethora of information to be privy to. And, coming from someone who never really cared much in my younger years, it can be captivating to me now just because there is so much that affects us all on a global scale. We’re all at a different place with our ideals, values and beliefs, not to mention allegiances, and that’s to be respected. We gather our information and no matter how or where we compartmentalize it, it will affect us in some form or fashion.
My point here is this. Sometimes when I tune into the “news”, it seems like the whole world has gone mad. And honestly, it can feel fearful at first sight. Here is where I have to remind myself that this is the world of appearances and there is a whole rich amazing life within me that has nothing to do with that. There is a place inside of me that is untouched by the chaos of the world, a part entirely centered in the awareness of the divine love and unlimited possibilities of our Creator God.
For me, this is a place from which I must start my day. A day of inspiration from within and balance to be able to live in the world we have but not be of the world we see. By anchoring my consciousness first thing in the morning I can find calm in discord. Within turmoil, I sense serenity. Feeling lost, I am suddenly found. I remind myself that I have powerful unseen resources that provide for me and keep me safe. I remind myself how much God loves all of us and that a great healing is taking place that we are all part of just because we were born in this time and place. Lastly, I remind myself how important it is for me to keep my consciousness high, no matter the degree of insanity that shows up in the outer world.
Right in the center of who and what you really are is a guiding light. Every possible solution is already known. Feel soothed as you allow yourself to feel the empowerment that is so vitally alive within you. Feel your strength, your clarity, your focus and your conviction. Remember how much you are loved and the power of that love. Turn down the outside chaos and turn up the inner serenity. Be reminded that you are a spiritual being having a human experience thereby having the advantage of stepping outside of yourself and becoming the observer of the experience and choosing harmonious input verses input that upsets your world.