- Swami Vivekananda
I have become more and more mindful of my own inner guidance over the last few years. Especially since I was “told” that I would be writing another book just as my first one was being released the end of 2016. That was hard to forget and even though it took a few years before I actually started writing the second book, as I was awaiting further “instructions”, I just remained confident that I’d be shown both when and how to begin.
I believe that my daily meditation time has helped in grooming me to listen and be receptive to that still small voice. Remembering what one of my early mentors, Dr. Wayne Dyer used to repeat silently prior to going on stage to talk, “how may I serve?” I adopted that mantra to end my meditations.
Now as I look at how this part of my life has unfolded since I retired over 4 years ago and have dedicated the remainder of my life to serving God and my fellow man in whatever ways I’m directed; it has been kind of amazing. Although things don’t normally happen overnight, the idea of setting the intention and just doing your day to day and being thankful all while letting go in faith that everything is synchronous, one tends to really feel peaceful and balanced.
Recently a sequence of events took place that of course at the time I didn’t think much of, but from this present point I can’t help but be amazed and thankful. The first week of October a group of guys I worked with had one of our many gatherings. Although I don’t work there any longer, I’m still included in the sometimes-zany activities mainly for camaraderie and laughs. I was talking with one of my former co-workers and he happened to mention in a conversation that he had become an ordained minister and had married his son last year. I was kind of taken back as although he’s certainly a nice enough guy, a minister type he was not. He told me it was an online thing through a church that has been around since 1977 and for a small fee would certify you to be an ordained minister and you could legally marry anyone of any denomination in all 50 states. Of course, you could also provide other services as well if you were so inclined. I know what it must sound like as I had the same initial reaction but yet there was something intriguing about it. I checked it out a couple days later and sure enough, they were legit with many testimonies and stories from those who had come on board.
As you may know by now if you’ve followed any of my prior blogs and the information on my website, I’ve already accumulated a fist full of degrees and certifications through course work and studies in metaphysics, spiritual counseling, hypnotherapy, past-life regression, EFT, and life coaching going back to 1995. I never ever really thought about ministry in any form before other than the fact that I’ve done a lot of counseling over the years. All of a sudden, I felt prompted to go for this idea of adding ordained minister to my resume of services. I didn’t know where it was going to go but I did just recently give my youngest daughter away in marriage in a lovely ceremony that was conducted by an officiant. Basically, the same thing, a lay person who offers this service on the side. My inner guidance was telling me it was right for me at this time. In short order I received my certification of ministry.
Within a months’ time, my very best friend’s wife passed away rather suddenly. He is also an integral part of this group of co-workers that I still associate with. He asked if I’d please consider doing the eulogy for his wife’s funeral, not because I had just become an ordained minister, but because we were such good friends. Of course, amid the sadness of the situation I felt it an honor to accept. I would have done it regardless but again it all just felt a little better being able to look at this honorable job of delivering a eulogy with my new ministers hat on.
I said all that because as I sat and talked about this with my wife and looking back on this whole chain of events that took place in a little less than a month, we both agreed that it was timely and divinely guided. And that my following through with it was a testimony to trusting my higher self, regarding my desire in service to mankind. I don’t know where this will go in the future, but even if it ends up being the only “official” service I provide as an ordained minister, I’m content because I listened and acted in faith. On top of that, I was honored to honor a beautiful woman we called a friend of the highest order.
This being yet another reminder that we are multi-dimensional spiritual beings that are innately connected to our Source, God and through our higher self are whisperings that if we train ourselves to hear and trust will reward us in countless ways. I started calling mine, “call to action”. Every time I hear it, I smile and say, Thank You!
As you grow on your spiritual journey know that you are balancing between dimensions of reality and with the shift in consciousness that is happening on the earth at this time it’s becoming easier to sense the inner world and the higher part of you. The awakening to our true self and our connection to all that is brings unbounded joy.