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#07 Interpretation

February 1, 2019

Each morning I start my day with a deep meditation. Be it to seek guidance, visualize an accomplished goal, or just to listen. Then I follow up with my inspirational reading time. I'm currently reading 7 different books. Five of them on my Kindle, and two soft covers. Of course, they’re all in the Spiritual Metaphysical genre. It’s gotten to be an insatiable appetite. I mean I’ve been in that field of study now for over 30 years but, now that I’ve retired from outside stimuli, if you will, I can spend so much more time on reading than I used to.

One of my favorite authors is Neville Goddard. I have several of his works in both Kindle and soft cover format. This particular title I’m immersed in is “Interpretation of Scripture”. This is a compilation from several of Neville’s books and lectures. He was noted for his prowess in decoding the Bible in such a light that the truth of it can finally be known. It sure resonates with me, that much I know.

This morning, the quote “For God calleth these things be not as though they were”, from Romans 4:17, was the target for interpretation. He equated this verse to raising or ascending the level of consciousness. Now you’ve got to know that Neville was a firm believer that “God”, as we interpret God is actually consciousness. Plain and simple. Now read it again with that concept in mind. He said, “Things that are not now seen, will be seen the moment you become conscious of being that which is not now seen”.

What? Wow! That stopped me cold! Now that’s pretty deep. Had to read it again. So, considering that we’re talking about ascending levels of consciousness, let’s do this. Things that are not now seen, (your desires), will be seen the moment you become conscious, (aware), of being that which is not now seen, (your desire). In other words, you appropriate the consciousness of the level you desire to express, by claiming you are now expressing such a level. See the end result of achieving your desire in the face of not seeing or experiencing it yet. Doing that you’ve raised your own level of consciousness. No one else can do it to or for you.

I will leave you with this quote, “Far greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world”. 1 John 4:4. I know what it means to me. What about you?

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