- Ernest Holmes
What would our lives be like if not for the changes we encounter over time? Sure we get comfortable with routine and sameness, and the slightest shift in that comfort zone sends most of us into a tailspin at the least or outright fear at most. But think about it for a moment. The same thing over and over could get seriously boring. Like sitting in your car and the scenery never changing. Nothing new to focus on. No challenge to figure out. No new experiences or the excitement of not knowing just how something will turn out. That’s not living. It’s mere existence.
Like it or not we all need some degree of change for many reasons, most importantly for the very growth of our soul. We came here with a plan and a mission on a soul level even though many of us don’t stop to realize that. Our life paths include many twists and turns that may appear to us as turmoil, sadness, heartbreak, illnesses and the like. All of these seemingly negative events that take us off our track of comfort are apart of a plan we, that is the essence of us or spirit, put into the mix either through our current thoughts or actions, or as a karmic balancing from prior life experiences.
I understand that this is a tough pill to swallow, and even if you know and believe in this concept it doesn’t make it any easier to deal with it at the time it arrives at your awareness. We just would rather not go through any of it but alas, it’s here and we must. We either made a conscious decision for a particular change or it appeared unwanted, out of nowhere like a tsunami. What’s happening is we’re finding ourselves balancing between the physical and spiritual aspects of life.
If we could just grasp the concept that there is something greater guiding us while we plod along in our little world we call our life and that everything, every twist and turn, every event, every relationship and yes, every hardship has a purpose geared to our growth as spiritual beings in a human experience, maybe, just maybe it’s all good despite its appearance. Now more than ever we must look within to our own divine power to overcome all obstacles. What’s the biblical saying from Matthew 17:20? “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”
That something greater is your higher self or the God within you. There is nowhere you can go, where it is not. There is nothing that can happen to you where you are without it. There is a Divine Spark in all facets of life, despite our limited 3rd dimensional perspective. Try to reach higher in looking at radical change that appears in your life. You will be surprised at how much smaller these earthly bumps look from your natural spiritual viewpoint.
If you’ve followed my previous blogs I’m sure you’ve realized that I’ve been going through some radical change of my own over the last several months. It hasn’t been easy, and I’ve hurt emotionally because of it. I still hurt. But the fact is I’m still here on this earth which means I’ve still got work to do, and a purpose to fulfil. I’ve moved 800 miles away from the only hometown I’ve known for over 70 years and away from people I love and that love me. Thankfully I’m still with family in this new environment and there’s that part of me that still questions my decision. However, in what very well may be the last chapter of this incarnation I’m choosing unconditional love as my foundation to keep on keeping on. Always thankful for what I’ve had and all the people that I’ve shared it with. I will do my best to look at each new day that I am blessed to experience with an anticipation of something great because I know that it’s all good and timely for the growth of my very soul. It is after all, all God.