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#16 Pushing Through

October 16, 2019

I love to walk. Since I'm a fair weather walker, and the summer has slipped away, and we're into our fall season, I know my walking outdoors will be curtailed. I live in a village within a small township about 10 miles south of Rochester, NY. My trek took me outside the village into the countryside of the town just west of my town. Quiet country roads with lush greenery and cornfields. It was a beautiful way to start my day. As I reflect further into my 19 plus weeks of daily walks that covered over 5 miles a day, I remember seeing something that really inspired me.

I was walking in the road, as there are no sidewalks in this area, heading down to a dead end cul-de-sac, which was my half way point. I try to take in everything of the vista before me including the sounds of nature. I happened to look down onto the road itself, a blacktopped surface and there it was. A small green sprig of what may be a weed or flower, actually erupting through the thick blacktop. I've certainly seen this before, as I'm sure you have as well, but this day I just had to stop. For some reason it totally amazed me. How is it that this delicate little blossom could literally push through this seemingly impenetrable surface? 

It was life, seeking fulfillment by nourishment from the elements of creation itself. It's will to become was more powerful than the obstacle before it. What an amazing lesson I received from Mother Nature this fine morning. The ability to become who you are despite what your sense reality is showing you. That little blossom didn't see the thick blacktop. It saw only life on the other side and pushed through to grasp it. Yet here we are, these big strong, smart human beings who think we're so superior, but at the same time fail in our ability to change our lives for the better and claim our hearts desires, because our senses tell us that for whatever reason, it's just not possible. 

This day only verified for me that the concepts I teach others about realizing their dreams and desires by focusing only on the end results is absolutely true. Denying our senses is not easy. It's the way we've been hardwired, as senses tell us only what is, not what could be. Sometimes you have to color outside the lines. It can create a whole different picture. That my friend, is your wonderful imagination, coupled with faith. Remember this, "possibility" lies within the word "impossibility". God, (creation) lies within you.  Push through!

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