I was born into and brought up in the Catholic Church and spent my first six years of schooling in their school system. Not unlike any other Christian based religious organization, prayer was a big part of the teachings. It’s been my observation over the years that the vast majority of our society does in fact recognize and utilize prayer in some form, which in turn recognizes a God or a higher cosmic power. A supreme being that sits above all the goings on of not only our little blue marble of a planet, but the collective of the entire cosmos.
Our prayers that are uttered both silently and aloud go out to this all encompassing presents generally in supplication … asking or pleading for some type of intervention, healing, blessing, or deliverance from trauma and strife. We’re not always sure if our prayers will be answered in the affirmative, but faith tells us that if it’s “God’s will”, then it will be so. But what if your prayer isn’t answered, at least to your satisfaction? Does that mean that God doesn’t think you’re worthy of the request? Or perhaps you weren’t sincere enough. Let’s dive a little deeper here relative to this prayer practice and this collector of prayers in the heavens.
First of all God is in and through all things. God is not a singular being on high taking in each and every individual prayer request and determining to grant or dismiss the request. There is simply no need to go outside of yourself to some intermediary to act on your behalf. God is literally Life Force and is omnipresence, again, in and through all things including YOU. To be sure, you are literally spirit, wrapped in a soul that is God (Life Force) experiencing life in physical manifestation. Therefore you are that which you are “praying” to. When you were created by this Life Force, all that it is was automatically a part of you.
So how does this affect our prayers? Well, in this unified sense of your God self, you need to speak affirmative words of divine realization. In other words, rather than words of supplication, asking for something that you don’t have, you need to come to the knowing that you will get just what you believe you already have. Meaning, knowing, and seeing that which you pray for is already so and you are praying now in thanksgiving for the end result. Instead of pleading to be delivered from a negative by something outside of yourself, go within and acknowledge the positive end result with gratitude. Instead of “I’ll believe it when I see it”, first believe it, then you’ll see it. There is really only one dynamic prayer that fits all. It is simply, “Thank You.” Now, let it go.
And just as an aside here, should what you pray thank you for doesn’t make itself manifest, it isn’t necessarily a NO, but simply NOT YET. As a spiritual being in a physical reality, you are here for the growth of your soul through experiences. We see these experiences as either good or bad. The reality is that they are neither. They are simply experiences. Our job is to ask ourselves what this experience is trying to teach us, and trust that the outcome will strengthen you from the core of your very being.
In addition, Paul’s command in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to “pray without ceasing,” is confusing at best. Metaphysically speaking, it refers to an attitude of God consciousness and God surrender along with thankfulness. Dynamic prayer couldn’t be simpler.