Last month I turned another year older, and one thing these senior years are showing me is just how lost some of our society has become, not only here, but globally. Amid the rapidly advancing technology, and the mass chaos, confusion, and corruption, many of us seem like we are walking in a thick fog, unable to read the signs pointing to home. We manage to do our day to day, and even do our best to be available for fun here and there. But there is an undercurrent of fear that we can feel relative to our long-term future. Our outside world is a mess right now. A blind man can see it. So much is happening so fast it is impossible to keep up with it.
What are we to do? Well, there is an old saying I have mentioned in the past. “If you don’t go within, you’ll go without.” So, what does that mean for you? We need to take stock at who you really are in all this mess. It just may give you a reprieve for a unique perspective.
You have a name, but you are not your name. You have a body, but you are not your body. You have a story, but you are not your story. Who, then, are you? Take some time now and reflect on this question. What is most essentially and fundamentally true about you?
The truth about you is that you are a center of God-consciousness. You are part of the wholeness of Infinite Life. You are a spark of the Divine, a radiance of Universal Intelligence, an emanation of the One Mind. You are an incarnation of Spirit. Your life is the life of God. As a divine expression, you have access within your being to the qualities of God.
You are peace. You are joy. You are wisdom. You are love. These qualities and more are your true nature. Peace, joy, wisdom, and love are ever present and available within you. You can choose to express these qualities, to be who you truly are. In so choosing, you live from your center. You live from an abiding awareness of the infinite Life, which is your source and essence.
Circumstance change, but the divine Presence within you remains unchanging and unchanged, perfect, and timeless, unaffected by the external conditions that come and go. What is most essentially true about you is eternal wholeness, which is never broken, lost, fearful or wounded. Embrace this awareness of your true self. In remembering who you truly are, you release your imprisoned splendor.
Now, if you can gravitate to this, even a little, you just may be able to float slightly above the turmoil of the times. All the while knowing nothing can really harm you.