So, first off let us look at, and define consciousness. Trust me, this is huge, and we’re only going to dance around the rim of this rabbit hole for now. Emmet Fox once stated that life is a state of consciousness. My studies have maintained that consciousness is the basis of all life and the field of all possibilities. I honestly feel that it is in fact just that, and so much more. And that “so much more” seems to expand in our awareness as we grow from the inside, outward. As we touch the truth of our being through self-realization, this new awareness automatically raises the frequency of your souls vibration. It does so only if we are ready to embrace what we find, and it harmonizes with us on the deepest levels of our being. This is raising our consciousness. This is soul growth.
The primary purpose of experiencing life on Earth is to discover what is real. We must start with ourselves first in relation to our outside world. From micro to macro. However, when you go even deeper than this, you reach the underlying basis of all consciousness, the awareness that, simply, you exist. Now you seek your relationship to the rest of what you exist in. And this is not even addressing the concept of the creative process itself, or even a Creator itself.
This is soul evolution. We each come to this discovery in the appropriate time via literally thousands of physical life incarnations both on this planet and elsewhere in the cosmos. Our reality tells us that we each are separate from each other and in this dimension, that concept is most prevalent . However as we grow and raise our vibration/consciousness, we find that it is not so.
What we find as we evolve is that outside of this reality there is no linear time as we know it, where everything is happening simultaneously, and we are all connected to a Oneness that translates to “All That Is”, or God for short. We are literally fragments of this Creator Source, experiencing itself in billions of lifeforms over a timeless space. What a phenomenal concept! To place ourselves on the same level as God… to know that we are creating our own world as we go along. That we are responsible for it all.
We, as a collective consciousness in human form are slowly, yet steadily evolving to this cosmic realization as more and more of us begin to awaken to claim our place in this vast Oneness. This beautiful dance of consciousness that we call life. And it is all coming about more rapidly now amidst the world turmoil which is a catalyst to bring change which in turn will be the backdrop for future generations of souls yet to come who will need the challenges for their growth. The vast majority of us at this time will more than likely ascend to a higher dimension of reality for our next incarnations, which will be more quasi-physical, and more peaceful, balanced and loving than we can even imagine now.
Let us bask in the knowing that despite our outside circumstances & conditions, all is well, and that we are a part of the consciousness of ALL THAT IS!