Back in my hometown in Upstate/Western NY, there was a section of our expressway system in the downtown area that was dubbed, “the can of worms.” I don’t know who the designer was, but one needed to have eyes in the back of one’s head to successfully navigate that stretch during the two rush hours, or any time for that matter. It was the epidemy of confusion as I recall. It’s since been modified, but it left a permanent impression on me for sure.
The whole mental picture and idea of a can of worms can only conjure up a confused mess. As a result of that idea we’ve learned to attach that concept to many things in our daily lives. It relates from individual challenges to more complex scenarios beyond our immediate scope.
A case in point… today is election day here in the US. No doubt, every single adult from 18-90+ has been party to the craziness that started a year ago, as the powers that be vie to either retain or regain power over the masses. And that is not even including what may take place when the smoke clears. Our outside world has become a crazy confused mess. A classic can of worms on a global scale.
Much like that old expressway I spoke of, there are times when we have to go through it to get to the other side. As I recall, there was always a sigh of relief when the road opened up to clear sailing from the “can.” That shows us that the concept of a “can of worms,” no matter how it’s applied, has a defined time span. We always overcome the confusion.
We all certainly experience our own versions of confusion and chaos. It isn’t so much the craziness itself, but how we deal with it, how we sail through it to a semblance of normalcy. Small personal bouts of this confusion are one thing. Generally, we can and do handle them, but how many of us are swept up in the turmoil of the country, or the world for that matter? How do we deal with that? The collective consciousness seems to just feed on the turmoil sucking many of us into it. If you’re a part of the world, it’s hard to avoid it these days.
One way that I’ve found that works in times like these is to establish a daily practice of meditation. A few minutes daily to go within and build yourself a platform or foundation of inner peace and harmony. A safe space where the outside world and all it’s problems aren’t allowed in. A place to breath, feel your heartbeat, and listen to the stillness. A place to connect to your God, and to remember who you really are. In just a few minutes a day, you can build your own “get-a-way” from any can of worms that leaks into your daily life.
I’ve always called this being in the world, but not of it. I wrote two prior blogs on this topic in the past. It just may be the life raft that can save you from all the challenges and changes that are afoot in our future. It takes time to become accustomed to a different world. Remember, what you fight weakens you, but what you’re for, empowers you. Be for peace.