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#85 A Life of Spirit

December 5, 2024

For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.” - Psalm 36:9 

The month of December brings with it a mixture of emotions. I believe that most of us feel both an excitement and joy of the upcoming holiday season, plus the anticipation of another new year a few short weeks away. However, we can’t deny the last eleven months and all we’ve endured in our personal lives, and of course, nationwide and globally as well. 

There is no doubt that 2024 has been a rough year for everyone as we glance back in the rear-view mirrors of our minds. So much turmoil, trauma and drama on so many fronts. I’m sure many people lost themselves emotionally in the noise of all our outside world. To survive these times we need daily injections of positive reinforcement. Re-inflate your life raft to float above the surging distractions that can take you from your precious inner peace. 

For me, I liked a simple mantra that reminded me of my real power. “I am aglow with the life of Spirit!” The unlimited life of God flows through me. It does not matter how old I am or how my worldly circumstances may appear. I am an expression of the purity and perfection of God. 

This awareness refreshes me and keeps me young at heart. Even as my youth fades, even as I keep moving toward new phases of living, I remain wondrously, gloriously alive. Through my experiences and perspectives gained through my years on the planet, my life has deepened, and my understanding has become more nuanced. From my successes and triumphs to my failures and frustrations, I have learned what truly matters. I am a spiritual being, uniquely expressing divine life. This was the greatest gift I could ever receive and the greatest gift I have to share. 

Coming to an understanding that you are Spirit, moving through a life experience of your own choosing is the most powerful awakening you could ever have. It can smooth out the jagged edges of those not so nice times. Zooming outward to view your life from a macrocosm perspective rather than the microcosm of day to day gives you breathing space to understand how all of your experiences help you grow. 

As we march into 2025 it’s imperative to understand that our timeline is rapidly changing here on earth. Time as we know it really does “fly by.” It seems that you awaken on Monday and before you know it, it’s the weekend again. What’s important is how you live those moments, those fleeting seven days a week, those thirty days a month to those twelve months a year. Every moment of NOW is a gift you’ve given yourself. Acknowledge it daily by reciting “I am aglow with the life of Spirit.” It can be the gift that keeps on giving. 

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