The spiritual revolution in human consciousness has begun. No, not because it just turned 2025. It actually became noticeable back in the 1960’s and has steadily evolved and grown throughout mankind. Now, because of the speed at which it’s progressing, it almost seems more of a revolution than an evolution.
So, what exactly am I eluding to with this New Awareness? Awareness to what? It simply points to the consciousness of our human collective, the masses if you will, which is rising, it’s heating up. There is a vaster number of our human race who are awakening to who they really are, and it’s raising the vibrations of enough of the population that cosmic changes are afoot.
Even though we’ve been through several troubling years in our recent history, last year being very difficult, it really isn’t a bad thing. It’s actually necessary to usher forth new beginnings, which are for our betterment on both a global and personal scale. Good things are most definitely coming. Let’s not forget, we all chose to be here at this time to give witness and play integral parts in this growth spirt of consciousness.
What is important to focus on here is this; New Awareness today focuses upon gaining inner knowing through self-realization and self-development. It fosters spiritual self-reliance without the imposition of standards or duties by an external authority. Mind, body and spirit has become the new mantra of holistic living. If something is good for your mind, body and spirit, then it is, by definition, good for the whole you. We need to be mindful to the fact that in order to change our own experience of the outside world, we have to start from within. As a wise man once said, “if you don’t go within, you will go without.”
The exploration of the self from the inside outward and recognizing its connection to a Creator/Source is the first step in answering our basic fundamental questions about life itself. It seems time to really access our old beliefs and values in this arena. What really serves us at this point on our journey? Do we need to change gears?
There was a time when serious life questions may arise after we’ve encountered a life altering event such as a near death experience, the death of a loved one, a chronic illness or extreme emotional pain. Now, the trigger points for exploration into the meaning of life come knocking simply by being a part of the chaos and turmoil of everyday life. Trying to make ends meet in a world full of corruption, deceit, and fear mongering. It’s hard to play by the rules anymore. It’s not easy to love your neighbor as we were always taught from the bible. Separateness and division has really accelerated over the last several years. It’s just not natural. And there’s a part of us that knows it. It’s time to recognize our fellow man for who they really are. We are all One.
This New Awareness I speak of here is more of a calling to let you know that your curiosity in seeking answers to the fundamental questions of self and life are timely. Civilization has evolved to a point of transformation. We are in the process of ascending as a species, and that’s a really big deal right now. But we must understand that it starts as an inside job. Individually, we can’t change the outside world until you first change your inside world. It’s not what you see, but how you see it.
Become the peace you seek. You are the co-creator of your life. You always have been. You are spirit, you always have been. You are Creator/Source, Divine Being, God itself, you always have been! Allow your curiosity to lead you to transformation. Seek… and you will find. Knock, and it will be opened unto you. It is, after all, your birthright.