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#87 Mind Your Direction

February 5, 2025

“The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination.”

- Carl Rogers

A couple of weeks ago, I was fortunate to have had an opportunity to take a much-needed vacation to Phoenix Arizona. I hadn’t been on a plane in years and all of sudden I had to deal with the absolute busyness of not one, but two international airports. I felt like I was thrust into an ant colony with people going every which way in all manner of haste that was incessant to say the least. I still find it unbelievable that people actually work in and around that environment day in and day out. How does anyone do that? Maybe it’s my age. I don’t even like expressways anymore. Everything is so fast-paced. Our world appears so hurry up, let’s get going. 

Now I do realize that the way of the world is a busy place. No matter where you go on this globe at any given time, it is filled with people doing their jobs that require various forms of travel and transportation. There are also many who are on vacation, like I was and are just in a hurry to get to where they can hopefully relax and have fun… which I did as well. But I couldn’t help but think about each individual I saw buzzing forward seemingly unaware of their present moment. I found myself detached from the melee, thinking surely each one must have their own hopes and dreams. Do they stop long enough to marinate in the direction of those dreams?

No doubt I was being hyper-critical simply because I was thrust into a craziness of humanity that is uncomfortable for me. Of course, each person I witnessed has hopes and dreams. Hopefully, they also have some semblance of direction for their lives and may very well have been on it at these busy airports. I suppose the reality is that being in that collection of humanity running about was simply the means to keep them on their direction or life path. 

So, my point in all this is that from the vantage point of my uncomfortable surroundings I was able to access my own life multidimensionally. I’m a spiritual being expressed in a physical form. That form is experiencing life in it’s many facets in a reality that vibrates at a frequency that is known to us as the 3rd dimension. This dimension, or density as it’s better known as is literally a “school for the soul,” not unlike any of the other 11 densities in the cosmic makeup. On a soul level, I chose to be here at this point in time for experiences that are designed to help me grow on a soul level and eventually expand my essence to higher dimensions. 

Is it important for you to know all this? No, not really. But maybe what might serve you is whenever you find yourself in some uncomfortable situation, physically or emotionally, you could just stop, take a breath and realize that on some higher level that you may not even be familiar with, you put yourself in it for the experience that has some value to your own soul growth. Consciously, you probably don’t want to believe it, but it is a truth that you will eventually come to understand. It’s called self-realization, and it’s amazing.

My take-away from the experience of crazy airports… being in the world, but not of it. I walked the fence line of life. It’s part of my direction. My human got an uncomfortable experience while my spiritual self, enjoyed the lesson. Plus, I enjoyed Arizona!

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