When our souls choose to experience life in human physical form, they did so because of the plethora of opportunities for growth that exists in this 3rd dimension. Nowhere else in the cosmos can we gain so much unique wisdom as this dense existence can offer. The dichotomy of course is that once here, our perception is that life is hard because we forget who we are, and why we’re here.
If you stop and reflect on your life for a few minutes, no doubt you’ll find numerous times where you just wanted to give up, be it on a project, a relationship, or life in general. We get pushed to the max and can’t see our way to a harmonious resolution. This is not to say that there is of course a “shelf life” on everything. A natural closure.
I remember the days when I had my own private practice in complimentary health care. I did this for 18 years and really loved the work. I didn’t make much money, but my rewards were more from just helping people. On the other hand, there were plenty of times where I felt frustrated by cancelled appointments, or clients that were non-compliant when it came to following my suggested pathways. I was on the verge of closing shop a number of times over the years, but there was always something that encouraged me to continue. The fortitude that I displayed in those low moments always carried me to new heights. I pushed on because so many people did appreciate what I had shared with them, and others did seek me out, even if it was slower than I’d like. I endeavored to persevere with fortitude.
What I learned was that if you’re involved in something that gives you meaning and purpose, there will always be bumps in the road. Just keep focused on the prize of a life experience. The universe will always back you up. I think what we sometimes fail to see is that we look at our lives more one dimensionally when we should be zooming out to a more cosmic or spiritual point of view. We are, after all, spiritual beings first and foremost.
We came here with an essence path already set in place with opportunities and lessons in place for our growth. Our free will gives us the options to go left or right as we choose, but no matter which direction we pick, there will be mountains to climb. We have to keep going. Fortitude is just one attribute of the beautiful human spirit. It’s necessary in the game of life, especially here on earth in this dimension.
Be thankful for your adversities in your life journey. There are great lessons laced throughout if you take the time to examine them. Fortitude is like 4-wheel drive when you get stuck. It gives you the capability to get on smoother pavement.
The human spirit is unmatched in power and ability. It’s evolution into higher dimensions of reality is accelerating at breakneck speed. We chose to be here; we chose life with all its adornments. Giving up on anything before its time is not an option. That’s why we have fortitude.