- Joseph Campbell
In the last four blog posts I took you on a deep dive into the cosmic reality of self. My purpose in what may have been difficult for some was to help you see from a much wider perspective not only who you really are as a being, but what you are a part of and the vastness of this universe. Uni-verse, meaning one song. We are all really one in unison with the Creator God, the Absolute. It’s hard to grasp that concept since we are so immersed in the illusion of separateness and individuality.
For now, that’s okay. After all we came into this life as expressions of our Source to experience life from all different perspectives. We came from all different beginnings, and we all have different paths and purposes in this third density reality. We all have different talents, skills and dreams and it is our job to follow our hearts desires. So, you could say we are on a journey of discovery of not only life, but of self.
The final stage of the hero’s journey is the return to the beginning, to Source, our origin. In your time here now though it’s not so much about the completion of the journey as much as it is in fully connecting in the adventure of it. Knowing through a new awareness that it continues beyond this physical incarnation and the essence of who your really are in spirit, keeps evolving as the life force is never extinguished. Much like a movie with sequels. Each with a different threshold, different death and rebirth moments, and different returns, all before a new call to adventure comes from higher consciousness, a higher level on the spiral.
Remember when you looked forward to finishing school, be it high school or college? You would get a job and somehow that was the end of something. The end of learning? The end of struggling? Or getting that one right job would be the end of lack and scarcity. Or getting that one right relationship would be the end of loneliness. Was it so? Probably not.
One meal ending eventually becomes a new meal beginning. One breath ending becomes the next breath beginning. Life (Spirit) is ever expanding and what It is we all are. That being the case, does it not make sense that our lives are an ever-expanding hero’s journey to higher and more expansive ways of being alive?
Look at your life today, right now, where on your hero’s journey are you? What we are invited to learn, to release, to realize and to embody as we continue to live, laugh and love is that we’re eternal, infinite divinely magnificent beings who are experiencing just one chapter in our saga of life.