Well, here we are, hoping that since my last post you’ve come up for some air for a few weeks and have enough within you to take another deep breath and lunge back down for one more deep dive. I realize that this mega dive into a world that most probably never even knew about is a bit much for some, but I am thankful that you’re here as I attempt to help you re-configure the foundation of yourself. I will be getting back to more digestible topics soon enough, but just considering these concepts will widen your perspective of your place in this thing called life and the sheer vastness of the wholeness we belong to. Ultimately, this knowledge if you can accept it on some level can also help you see the bumps in your road need not be as intense as you make them. We are all an integral part of a loving consciousness called God and are loved unconditionally.
My thought was that I was only going to discuss the next three realms, stopping at nine. I’ve now decided that since there are to my knowledge, twelve levels of existence, that it wouldn’t be right if I didn’t shine a little light on all of them. Besides, for my borderline OCD it would be like walking away from a half-made bed. So, as Larry the Cable Guy says, Let’s Get ‘er done.
The Cosmic Group of Densities:
Seventh Density—Planetary Consciousness, Cosmic Realm
There is much more to our home planet Earth, also known as Gaia, than meets our eye. In our 3D physical realm, she is a home to humanity. Her spiritual heart, however, resides in this nonphysical, seventh density realm of spiritual light.
This is the first density layer devoted to the cosmic scale of consciousness. A human being can visit seventh density during a period of cosmic consciousness, but they cannot reside there permanently for the sheer size and power of it.
Eighth Density—Solar Consciousness, Eternity Realm
The spiritual heart of the Sun is in eighth density consciousness. From our 3D view of its physical body, it is actually a faint reflection of its spiritual radiance.
As well as living within its third-density heliosphere, we are connected, at the eighth-density level of consciousness, with the spiritual being we call the Sun. You cannot be born within its sphere without first becoming a part of it energetically. We are, as stated correctly by ancient cultures, Children of the Sun.
Ninth Density—The Galaxies and their Central Suns, God Realm
A Galaxy is a living cell within the consciousness of the universe. Like the Sun, which later gave birth to its planets, each galaxy give birth to the suns within its massive body.
To appreciate the scale of Creation of which you are a part, radio astronomy has given us some idea of the total count of galaxies in existence. Currently, there are believed to be between 100 and 125 billion galaxies in existence in the universe.
The Divine Group of Densities:
Tenth Density—The Central Sun of the Universe, Multi-verse Realm
This is the manifestation of the original stage of the Creation. It is the expression of divine consciousness as the energetic hub of the created universe. Like the central suns of the galaxies, this source of all like in the universe is unmanifest in the physical realm.
Eleventh Density—The Watchers, Omni-verse Realm
These are the guardians of all of Creation. The Watchers, or Lords of Karma, ceaselessly observe and adjust the universe to keep it in perfect balance in accordance with the all-pervasive law of action and reaction.
The function of the Watchers is to protect all life in the universe. When necessary, they immerse themselves into the deeper densities in order to manage details or to initiate new projects within the universe. One such project has been ours: The creation of human consciousness and its gradual immersion into deeper, and therefore more sharply focused, layers of density.
Like all layers of consciousness, we are directly connected to the Watchers. They are part of the spiritual lineage which connects us to the ultimate state from which we all came, that of Infinite Being.
Twelfth Density—The Founders, Love Realm
The Founders of life in the universe, the Lords of Creation, exist within the highest density layer of the universe. It is from here that consciousness is loaded with energetic potential and cascades throughout all densities within Creation, distributing its potential as needed within each density along the way.
This cascade of the energy of consciousness passes through the Central Sun of the universe, then to the solar systems via the central suns of the galaxies. As it reaches the lower densities, it is also transformed into the energies that are required to maintain the existence of physical and etheric matter. As etheric energy, it sustains physical life and maintains the orbits of the planets and the electric particles within each atom.
Beyond the Twelfth Density—Infinite Being, God, Source, The Absolute
Infinite Being is the indivisible One, the origin of All That Is. The twelve densities of this universe are held within its consciousness.
** Sourced from “Stairway to Heaven” by Owen Waters