This month I found myself procrastinating to sit down and put this entry together. I’m a bit embarrassed to even admit that, but there’s that little voice within that questions whether or not anyone who may happen on it would even be interested to venture into this depth at this stage of their spiritual evolution.
That being said I am choosing to go ahead and write it anyway. My decision was based in part on a recent article I read relative to the one cardinal rule that authors should remember. And that is, that we should never write for everyone, but instead write for someone. I thought that was pretty profound and spoke volumes.
Now I have really no idea just how many people read my blog posts at any given time or even if by intention or happenstance. However, I do happen to know of at least one person that does read it and even looks forward to each entry. She even goes so far as to reach out over thousands of miles to discuss it with me. I know that she is a young person who is advanced beyond her physical years and very devoted to her Creator and the spiritual path she is exploring at this time.
Naturally it is my desire that others who are ready will find their way to this post as well as prior and future posts. I do believe that this information, as deep as it may seem at the onset is fundamental wisdom that one should be aware of in exploring the self and your relationship to Infinite Being, Creator God.
Okay, we left off covering the 3 material world densities which include the “reality” that we all are playing in right now. I use the term “reality” lightly here because as we go along you may understand it differently. So, let’s move onward shall we.
The Spiritual Group of Densities
The next layers of density are the spiritual group. The gateway to spiritual consciousness is through the level of consciousness to which mankind is currently awakening – that of heart-centered consciousness. For humanity, this is where the adventure really begins!
Fourth Density – Integration (Spirit Level)
In fourth-density consciousness, the heart awakens to a natural unrestricted flow of unconditional love. In third-density consciousness, humans develop themes of separation from each other. In fourth density, they develop integration, or the healing of separation.
After our physical death we (our soul) moves to the fourth density where the spirit realm, or afterlife, is located. Here, people resolve and integrate the emotional experiences that they gained during their physical lives. When today’s massive Shift in consciousness has played through sufficiently, fourth density will also become the new location for physical human consciousness. In this density, the qualities of balance and unconditional love are developed, which lead to the development of inner joy. This density is a quasi-physical realm.
Fifth Density – Soul Consciousness (Soul Level)
Fifth density brings with it the ability to create powerful realities and to transcend space and time. Once spirits in the afterlife have integrated their emotions and resolved their conflicts, they can pass on into fifth density. Fifth density is a nonphysical realm of the soul, of the “higher self” or inner being. Your inner being is your complete consciousness, and therefore includes the subconscious and super-conscious aspects of mind.
Your inner being has a clear connection to the higher densities and to Infinite Being. Therefore, developing a clear connection to your inner being provides you with a direct source of spiritual empowerment.
Sixth Density – Group Souls (Angelic Level)
While your immediate soul mates may number, typically, seven other souls, your soul family is much larger. It is closer to two thousand individuals, grouped together in a huge family of people with common likes and interests.
You share a similar energetic background, history, and many preferences as to the kinds of experiences that you enjoy. These are the people with whom you share the most empathy. To your inner being, they are “Home.”
Of the other members of your soul family, less than half will typically be in physical incarnation at any given time. Many will live in other countries and in other parts of your country. When you meet them, you recognize them as people whom you feel are special in some way. There is a resonance within your own consciousness that is quite different to how you would react to a total stranger.
Sixth density is where fields of consciousness grow larger in preparation for an eventual quantum leap into the cosmic scale of seventh-density existence. Although a soul family is comprised of many individuals, it is also a large field of consciousness within its own right. Other examples of sixth-density consciousness include angels, saints, world teachers, and members of the Association of Light. It is also the source of the light of the universal Spirit, which can be contacted during deep meditation.
Sixth density is home to some of the greatest souls who have ever graced the earth with their presence. The field of consciousness of a world spiritual teacher, for example, is enormous in comparison to the field of consciousness of one typical human. It is because of this great capacity of consciousness, along with their ability to divide their attention into many parts at one time, which allows world teachers to service the needs of all those who call upon them in their times of need.
Archangels are based in upper sixth density so that their awareness can encompass the entire planet in all its manifestations in fifth, fourth, and third densities. In this way, these global spirits are capable of detecting and responding to multiple calls for assistance all at once.
The presence people know as Mother Nature is also based in upper sixth density so that she and her nature spirits may be present in all places where life is to be nurtured.
The Association of Light consists of many thousands of spiritual beings who, having mastered cosmic consciousness, then passed through the initiation of full ascension. Their function today is to balance the energy of humanity. By attracting, conditioning and transmitting spiritual light into the world, they hold the balance of light for humanity so that we may continue our experience upon earth, uninterrupted by what would otherwise be the automatic, karmic reflections of the worst of humanity’s actions.
Their example of giving service by attracting, conditioning and transmitting spiritual light into the world is one which we will all grow to follow as we develop spiritually.
** Much of the information in within the context of my “Deep Dive” posts comes from continual research of many mystical metaphysical scholars that I’ve read and studied for years. Most of this sharing is credited to my Spiritual Metaphysics teacher, Owen Waters and his many publications at the Spiritual Dynamics Academy.