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#40 Deep Dive Part 2

July 13, 2021

“While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”

- 2 Corinthians 4:18

“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.” Socrates

In every persons life a point of awakening occurs. Something happens to wake us up and cause us to realize there is more going on in life than just what meets the eye. It is the souls appointment with destiny.

I’m not sure how they do it these days, but back when I was in grade school and when math, my not so favorite subject was being taught we had to learn fractions. I think what stuck in my head more than anything else was the terminology of finding the lowest common denominator. It was supposed to simplify the process. Well, I still wasn’t particularly good at that when it came to math, but I’d like to use it as a starting block to look at life so that you may see a different perspective relative to the confusion and mayhem, we find ourselves in. The outside world and what may appear as radical changes can be daunting if not downright scary.

In order to make sense of it I’m recommending starting at the lowest common denominator, you! So may I suggest you leave your current beliefs at the door while we take this deep dive into the cosmic realm or what some may term mysticism. Now before you run away screaming of witches and demons, consider how English writer Evelyn Underhill defined it. “the hunger for reality, the unwillingness to be satisfied with the purely animal or the purely social level of consciousness.” The mystic way is simply the road less traveled to understand the relationship of the self with the universe to higher levels than our ordinary states of awareness.

Human beings question everything. It’s a natural response to our outside world and environment. Evolution has brought us to a point now where more and more people are beginning to look deeper within themselves and asking questions such as “Who am I really?” “Why am I here?” “What about God and what is the true connection?” “What happens when we die?” “Have I lived before?” Answers to questions like these and many more lie in the exploration of mysticism.

You’ve heard me say on more than one occasion that we are really spiritual beings having a human experience rather than a human being who may sometimes have a spiritual experience. I heard that phrase many years ago by one of my early mentors, Dr. Wayne Dyer. It was one of the many concepts that I’ve encountered that just rang of truth for me and I now own it without question.

What I continued to question from that point was reality itself, or should I say what we perceive as reality. In my never-ending quest to find the lowest common denominator relative to life, I needed to know just what my newly adopted concept of self actually is. The following will be what I’ve come to not only understand, but passionately believe and known as truth after many years of study and reading material that I was inspired to literally feel deep within. All of which have been a part of my awakening. I will share this monumental concept with you in parts so as to be easily digested. Eventually, you may begin see how small your problems really are in retrospect to just how big and powerful you really are.

There are twelve density layers of creation. The Twelve Densities of Creation are divided into four groups of three densities. These four groups contain the material, spiritual, cosmic and divine density layers of existence. A density is a layer of compressed consciousness. Life itself is pure consciousness in various frequencies. It’s important to note also that each density has twelve sub-layers or overtones.

The Material Group of Densities

The three most dense layers are the material group. These relate to basic physical existence.

First Density – Matter (Rudimentary Level)

First density consciousness is the realm of the atoms and molecules of physical matter as well as the basic sense of survival. This is the home density of the consciousness of the elements which form the basis of physical matter, including the physical bodies employed by plants, animals and humans.

Second Density – Biology (Instinctual Level)

Second density supports the consciousness of plant and animal life as well as the urge to grow. Plant life, for example, reproduces and spreads until it reaches the limits provided by its environment. Second density is also the density of the basic emotions, such as anger and fear.

Third Density – Individuality (Humanity Level)

Third density is the current realm of existence for the combined consciousness of physical humanity. It is where the consciousness of individuality and self-awareness is developed. Humanity’s experience of separation from its inner source is a deliberate experiment whereby the illusion of physical existence becomes very real.

The game of human physicality began long ago. As curious spirits, we progressed into a desire for maximum effect and then went on to discover how to create total immersion within the game. It is this total immersion within physicality which makes life on earth seem so real, so full of passion, so disconnected from our spiritual source and, yet, full of so much potential for self-discovery.

The experience of humanity’s separation from its inner source is achieved through using a physical brain which focuses on the five senses. These senses feed information to the brain from a universe which appears to be external. Our brains are wired to perceive space and to experience time. The turning of our attention away from inner, spiritually connected information provides a sharply defined sense of individuality, one which would not have been possible were our brains designed differently.

Third-density consciousness also supports other qualities for an evolving consciousness, such as the discovery of courage and optimism, and the development of intellect and reason.

We will stop there for now and continue on starting with the Spiritual Group Densities in my next entry. I realize that this material is much deeper than any of my past blog posts, so I urge you that if you have any questions up to this point, feel free to contact me via email and I will do my best to clarify.

Believe it or not there is a part of you that already knows all this!

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