I believe that I’ve come to a point in my current incarnation, or as some mystics would phrase it, incarceration that after this last year and a half I feel more at “home” living in the rabbit hole of what I deem as ultimate reality. Now the definition of that is as wide as the cosmos itself and is as personal as any individual may perceive it. In other words, within it is my truth or what harmonizes with me on a deep soul level. My consciousness has been undergoing a slow and steady expansion over the last 30 plus years since I was so powerfully moved into the study and understanding of metaphysics and spirituality. At the time I didn’t really know why I was so moved and intrigued by it, but I sure see it now.
The outside world as we’ve known it seems to have been turned upside down and the Biblical prophecy of the “end times” appear to be upon us. Although not necessarily as quick and radical as we may have first imagined it being, much of humanity is confused and living in fear. We don’t know what to make of it all. Our governments globally are corrupt and promote lies and cover-ups for financial gains and power. Governments are supposed to be working for the people, not the other way around. Even our media is compromised worldwide. Where do or can we get our truth?
I got sucked in from the get-go. Starting after the so-called Presidential election here in the US to the smoke screen known as the global pandemic or Covid 19 and the way too quick breakout of a “vaccine” cure-all. I just knew something was not quite right and I wanted to know everything I could before I’d buy into a herd mentality. Something inside of me was rattled like never before and I became obsessed with knowing the truth. To be honest, it’s been exhausting. Not to mention frustrating. I quickly learned that we’ll probably never get the real truth from the outside world. The sad part is that I knew better, but the world I live in is hurting and I wanted to try to understand it.
Now I’ve mentioned this in a prior blog, and it needs repeating. This isn’t a platform for a political stance. I never belonged to any political party or even followed politics at all, nor am I any kind of activist outside of being a patriot for truth. Hell, the simple fact is I’ve been seeking out truth for over 30 years in my studies relative to life and the self. Going deep didn’t scare me. I questioned my own inherited belief system in my thirties and became an island unto myself as most of my family didn’t quite get where I was coming from. I just didn’t feel comfortable with what I was being fed spiritually. The point to all this is that in these helter- skelter mixed up times, and despite my incessant search for answers and truth in my outside world, along with my mixed and sometimes rebellious emotions, I’m waving the white flag. It’s not because I don’t care about my country or the people in it. On the contrary, I really want to help in some fashion. And the only way that can happen is if I go where the truth and peace really resides…within, or my inside world.
I’m reminded of the story of a little boy who was home alone with his dad on a Saturday and desperately wanted to go outside and play catch with him. Unfortunately, dad had a project to finish for his work first and told his son that after he finished, he’d join him outside. Well, the young lad was a bit impatient and interrupted his working father a couple of times within a short period. Dad was running short on patients with his young son, and he grabbed a magazine from his desk, thumbed through it and found a picture of the world. He ripped it out of the binding and tore it into several pieces. He proceeded to hand the boy the torn pieces of the world together with a roll of scotch tape. “Go into the other room and tape together this picture of the world and when you’re done, I should be done with my work”, said the father. Well, ten minutes later the little boy knocked on his dads office door. “You can’t be done already”, said dad. The boy proudly held up the picture. “How did you do that so fast?” asked dad. “It was easy”, replied the boy. “You see on the other side of the picture of the world, was a picture of a man. So, all I had to do is to put the man together and then the world came together”.
I feel that I can best help others navigate the tumultuous waters of our changing times by first retreating to your inside world. We will begin to look at and understand just who you really are and once you can grasp that, you stand a better chance to rise above the noise and confusion of your outside world. It’s time for a transformation.
I will bring this to you in probably three parts. I intend to write the next entry mid-month to get things going. In the meantime, close your eyes, take a deep breath and begin to let go of the outside ruckus.