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#32 Close One Door Open Another

January 1, 2021

You have arrived. Welcome to 2021. Each new year the general consensus is always one of optimism for the next 12 months of our lives as we bid farewell to the previous year. I don’t think there are all that many people who would feel all that sorry to see 2020 go by the wayside. It was sure more than anyone bargained for as they cheered it in last December 31st. Who would have thought we’d experience all we did on a global, national and personal level? What do we do with all that? Well, I propose two things we can do.

The first is to evaluate last year. It is true that it is most beneficial to live in and focus on the present as it is where we are all the time. However, like driving your car forward, an occasional glance in the rear-view mirror is necessary. It is appropriate for us to reflect on the past year, especially this last one. Take a few moments today to look back on the year that was and, as you do so, be soothing with yourself, mindful of being as gentle as you would be with an infant.

Think about the birthdays, anniversaries, memorials, weddings, graduations, vacations and family gatherings that could not take place or be honored like they ordinarily would be. Reflect on the areas you have grown into that you ordinarily would have not thought possible. Consider the shifts in societal awareness that have emerged, bringing us important and necessary conversations that might not have risen into our group awareness had we not been sheltering in place. Reflect on the successes, disappointments, losses gains, adaptations and decisions you have made.

It is essential to face life just as it is and just as it is not, and to do so from a place of gentle power, acknowledging the whole range of emotions that come with this reflection. You have been tempered beyond what you would have normally allowed yourself to be and have come out on the other end of this past year completely different.

Now, the second thing is to ask yourself, who will you be? As important as it is to evaluate the past, it is equally important to look to the future by thinking of how you would like to be in this new year. Without a mental road map, it is challenging to know if you are staying on the path that you may set for yourself, and it’s easy to stray and lose focus. Let’s face it, you’ve had a lot more opportunity than normal to put thought into your life under the various circumstances we found ourselves in. Difficult times and unexpected changes in life tend to initiate fear of the unknown at first, but it also can open the door to the inner self. I’m betting you found yourself resolving to prayer in one form or another more often than you did prior to our global mess.

At this point, even though we’re still not quite “out of the woods” with what’s going on and we are still adjusting to a new normal, you are a survivor. That is something to celebrate. You still have life to live and more to give. Did you happen to experience a feeling of being repressed in some form last year? A feeling that you were limited to do what you wanted when you wanted. I know I did and it’s not a nice feeling. It served to intensify my personal drive to do and be more while my heart still beats and there is air in my lungs. I want to do more of what makes me feel alive. What about you?

Instead of a silly New Year’s resolution for the same old goals that fade away within a month, might I suggest you cultivate a quiet space in your day, every day to just be and listen. Listen to you higher self through your heart. What really defines you? What would you like to experience or accomplish before you exit this dimension? I’ve got good news for you. You are an immensely powerful creator. You can visualize and emotionalize. Two dynamic and divine ingredients necessary to craft and experience pretty much anything you desire.

One last note. As of this past December 21st, the first day of the winter solstice, we’ve moved into the Age of Aquarius. Our species is evolving and we’re becoming more powerful heart-centered beings. Our consciousness and awareness is heightened. Harmonize with the power around and through you. You need not be afraid. Step out. You’re not done yet. Make your mark. Go forth and always be grateful no matter what because everything has a purpose, including you.

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