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#33 Divine Order

February 1, 2021

I don’t know about you, but after all we’ve been through since March of 2020 through the end of January 2021, I for one feel like I’ve been on the longest roller coaster ride of my life. Not only that but it hasn’t really even stopped yet.

For a guy who for all of my adult years never really got overly involved or excited about the goings on with the government, politics or world affairs outside of keeping abreast of the headlines in a local newspaper, these last 10 months have knocked me for a loop emotionally and consequently physically. To endure so many radical changes in such a short period of time is not something most of us are too familiar with. No one really likes to change from the comfort of familiarity, but when it is thrust upon us it takes some doing to get used to. One thing I’ve always known though is that change is the only constant that directly affects everyone. The only thing that doesn’t change is change itself.

It’s times like this that I’m thankful for the over 30 years I’ve spent in the study of metaphysics, cultivating an understanding of not only the reality of self, but what life is all about and our place in it. Getting a view from a higher awareness puts a whole new perspective on things, like watching a play from the balcony.

Since mid-January I decided to step back away from the flames and emotions that are seemingly taking over society here in our country, not to mention the rest of our planet and its people and, fall back on a guiding principle that I’ve always known but seemed to have forgotten amidst the noise and confusion. It’s called Divine Order. Everything from our biology to the cosmology of the universe is a part of it.

Lately, for me it’s been a saving grace. A cosmic letting go and allowing the real higher power, God, the Absolute or whatever label you want to use to drive this ship. Granted, it doesn’t mean total and complete passivity and burying ones head in the sand and not playing an active part in life, but when one gets to the point of emotional overload where it can overtake your physical being, you just have to stop and reassess. I’m not advocating that this is easy or even for everyone but just stop a minute and hear me out.

Just start with taking a deep dive into your own life story. Recall a few times that you were confronted with a radical change or even a traumatic incident for that matter. Now, here’s where you may have to stretch some. At the time it was the worst thing ever and you would have done anything to not have to go through that, but you couldn’t do anything about it. Now look at you. You’re still alive and it’s behind you. What did that do for the broader picture of who you now have come to be. What did you learn? How did you grow? What did that wrinkle in your life path provide you at this juncture? As bad as it may have been, and I’m not trying to come off insensitive here but there was some growth. There had to be. You may have to pull away from the personal part you played and become the observer of it to see the value, but you should see it.

Let’s take it one step further and look at the history of the world as we know it. How many wars has mankind endured? How many millions of lives have been destroyed as a result? How many countries have been effectively destroyed to the point of near annihilation? Just look at Japan from the second world war. Was it worse than bad? Was it inhuman? Absolutely! But look at them now. What does all this show us? How did we as a civilization benefit in the long run. What did we learn? Did we not grow and learn a few valuable lessons about living together and sharing to improve the well-being of others? Of course, we did. All that stuff had to happen to bring us to a better place on a global scale. All was good until it wasn’t again. Then another cycle of rooting out the bad for the emergence of the good.

We are in the “end times”, no doubt. There is turmoil, unrest, mass corruption, and all kinds of blackness that is clouding our very lives and ability to see with any clarity any kind of bright future. It’s not the end of the world per se, but the end of the world as we knew it, not unlike what it’s seen before. The only difference is that for many of us, it’s in our face for the first time and damn uncomfortable.

Besides taking any active role that can help the process in a positive light and those in need who are suffering, this is where we need to acknowledge that God has got this. There is always a reason for everything that happens despite the fact that we can’t see it at this moment. Let go and just learn to trust in the one and only power that has been here from the beginning with nothing but love for us all.

Take a deep breath or three and repeat this affirmation aloud or to yourself; “my life and my world are in Divine Order now and always”. It starts with you. We have more to be thankful for than we have to complain about if you look deep enough. Allow this shift in global consciousness to play out. Evolution takes time and it is happening whether we know it or not. There is more love than hate, more good than evil, more honest hardworking people than corrupt politicians and by far, more hopeful, grateful and responsible human beings than those who want to take advantage of the masses. We will survive and prevail. As Gandhi said, “be the change you want to see in the world”. Be one with Divine Order.

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