Well, I don’t know about you but I’m more than ready. In just a bit over three weeks we will be ushering in Spring, 2021. Of course, just because the calendar says it begins doesn’t certainly mean that the switch will flip, and we’ll be in flowers and sunshine. Typically, in this part of the country March is probably the most unpredictable month we have. But the anticipation into the unseen is welcome.
Unpredictable too is unfortunately the current state of our outside world. It’s been a whole year. Can you believe it? And I only feel it from our country. I can only imagine the misery and uncertainty from people throughout the world. I remember an old saying that said something like; if the outlook doesn’t seem good, try the up look… I always liked the sounds of that, but for me it seems an oxymoron in that it’s more inward. If it’s noisy outside, you close the door and go inside.
My previous post spoke of Divine order and that concept does really bring a peace to my heart so that I may better deal with being in the world, but not of the world. With that I feel that I’d like to share that my retreat to this mindset has brought me into another level of the rabbit hole of our unseen self. It’s a glorious place and really nothing to be afraid of. It lies quietly waiting for our readiness to touch it and hopefully embrace it. I can’t seem to get enough of it. I feel like I’ve been starving, and I walked into a banquet of truth, love and wholeness that has always been available to each of us.
Before I go any further, I wish to reiterate the purpose of this blog. It’s to bring awareness to those of you that find yourself reading it. I don’t want to assume you are totally at a place to accept all these concepts that have become a part of who I am, but the fact is that you’re reading it, so you’re at least on the road. I’m going to touch on some deeper concepts of self here and upcoming posts that have become pivotal for me at this time, making the chaos and uncertainty of the outside world more digestible. After all, we still have to live in this physical dimension.
You have a life plan. I’m not talking about your conscious plans for the future. I’m alluding to the unseen life plan. One that you may be on if your life seems to be going along smoothly and you are in harmony, or conversely if you’ve slipped off THE life plan, and things seem out of sorts and you may be depressed, lost or lonely.
Let’s define Life Plan. A series of experiences that encompasses your entire life in the earth-plane. A life plan is designed by you with the mentorship of your higher self and spirit guides before your birth while you’re in spirit form. The purpose is to decide what knowledge and wisdom you want to gain from the experiences you choose, thereby contributing to your advancement and evolution in consciousness. The knowledge and wisdom to be gained are designed in the form of learning lessons within the experience you’ve chosen.
Your life plan includes the era of history you are born into, the parents you will have, your family of siblings and relatives, and all the people you will meet and experience as an infant, youngster, teenager, and adult.
Accomplishing your life plan is where you can find motivation, purpose, and meaning in your life. It sounds like pre-destiny, and it is—you have programed your journey in the earth-plane, but you don’t have to be bound by your life plan. You have the choice to change it if you want. The life plan you chose was based on what you wanted to learn in order to advance in knowledge and wisdom in your evolution of consciousness. However, since you have freewill, you do have the choice of changing it.
Wow. I bet that opened a door or two, or at least a window. My suggestion is to read it again and chew on it, sleep on it and accept what you can or not. If you really think about your life as it is now and you allow yourself to think, well, what if? The unseen will show you a whole new world of who you really are. Remember the analogy of the iceberg. There is more of it in the unseen depths than is visible to the physical eye.