- Ernest Holmes
Happy New Year to you wherever you are, either physically, mentally or spiritually.
How many times have we heard, “I’m glad that year is over” or “Maybe this one will be better”? Many said that at the beginning of 2022 and think back on all that’s transpired. We can barely keep up with the changes, advances and the noise from world governments. What are we to do? Who do we believe? The good ole happy days are history. There’s some serious situations happening globally that’s taking us off our center and promoting way too much fear. There’s a way to neutralize any unsettledness we may encounter that I’ve found works well.
I was watching a stand-up comedian the other night on Netflix. No, the answer is not watching stand-up comedy. There was a shot of him on stage from behind looking out to this massive crowd of beings who seemed so transfixed on his every move and the story he was conveying. I saw this mass of humanity not as individuals but as one entire whole. It was like each individual person had become a cell in a body, vibrating with perfection.
It was a surreal experience. It was a realization that the collective consciousness is like that…a body. And the beauty is that we get to choose as a collective what kind of body we want to become by each individual cell doing its unique part, making its unique contribution to the whole.
This body that is mine, that is ours, that is the entirety of all of creation is set out before us each and every day. A power and a gift we rarely even acknowledge.
Today, I see that there is not either/or in this body. By its very nature, there is only the Alness. That includes the challenges and the turmoil which are necessary for balance. The ebb and flow if you will. Nature does not make mistakes. It cleanses at it needs to. Even our human bodies are equipped to cleanse the toxins that the body cannot avoid.
The yin/yang symbol of the Tao illustrates this beautifully, with the contrast of light and dark, with the concept of flow. Each is contained within the circle that is the All of life itself.
So what I am saying here is that our current outside world is in a state of serious change and it’s imperative for us now more than ever, that we as seemingly individual beings need to change our perception of it by looking at ourselves as part of the collective, the wholeness of humanity itself. Most of us I dare say probably don’t like what we see. It’s like the whole body of humanity is unwell. However, we as “cells” of that very body have the power to make changes. First for ourselves which will ultimately meld into the collective.
Everyone wants to feel good. In our world of duality, there is nothing like feeling bad to make you appreciate feeling good! Totally a third dimensional construct.
We are composed of four bodies - spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. Spiritual teachings say that what you do to one of these bodies affects the other bodies. For instance, frequent meditation brings harmony to your other bodies - to your emotional, mental and physical bodies as well as your spiritual body.
When you change your spiritual body it changes your physical, emotional and mental bodies. When you change your physical body it changes your emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. In fact, you cannot change one without changing the others, as well.
Change one body and you change the others. We are apart of that which created us. You are a collective unto yourself as the microcosm is of the macrocosm.
Knowing this tiny bit of wisdom helps us realize the importance of making wise choices for all four of our bodies:
As a spiritual being, use your power to change both your inside world and the outside world we inhabit. It is both the least and the most you can do as we step forward in our evolution. I call it Divine Balance or dancing with God.
Best wishes for 2023 and dance like no one’s looking. It’s ours to experience. But don’t forget who you really are.