- Seth Buechley
Although this particular quote is true, I would maintain that it can be a wake-up call for us all. Let’s take a look at what it means to be human, or to put it more succinctly, doing human. Slip on your boots as this has the propensity to get a little deep. Keep in mind that I’m only scratching the surface here.
The truth of the matter is, and I’ve stated this many times before, we are really spiritual beings having a human experience. So being human really equates to our spiritual essence gathering countless experiences in a physical realm, some of which will have positive effects and some, not so positive. Albeit both effects having within them, lessons for our growth as a soul/spiritual entity.
Unfortunately, we don’t always see it that way simply because we don’t remember who we really are and the purpose of our life journey, which is to re-member, or re-join to the wholeness of our very essence to our Source or God. Often times we (our ego), takes the negative experiences to heart and focuses on them with the e-motions (energy in motion) that accompany them such as anger, heartbreak, or disappointment. This can leave us stuck and blind us from the hidden value of the experience itself.
Being human means that we have agreed on a soul level to take on a temporary individual identity. Complete with a specific personality all wrapped up into a physical form of our choosing for the express purpose of experiencing physical life and the plethora of e-motions that go with them. Opportunities are virtually endless. We were meant to be here as there are no mistakes. We are co-creators of our own experiences and need to take responsibility for that. But we began this sojourn in spirit form, our real self.
Being human and experiencing life in this third dimension of reality affords us an opportunity far beyond any college or university that we could attend. With every experience we encounter if we look wide enough, we can grow spiritually regardless of the polarity from which it shows itself. It’s all good. It needs to be read and understood at a higher level. When you look at your life from a higher perspective it widens your view by removing the blinders of your tunnel vision. It projects what you perceive as a negative experience and makes it smaller affording you an opportunity to see the lesson you placed before yourself and grow from it as long as you are able to leave the egoic effect behind.
Being human isn’t necessarily easy. In most cases it isn’t supposed to be. The lessons we encountered growing up in school weren’t easy at first until after time we began to understand. Life lessons are larger in scope, but instead of just growing your individual knowledge base, you’re able to grow spiritually as well. Life goes on beyond this current reality and as a spiritual entity with an expanded consciousness from your experiences here, you will evolve to realities you can’t yet imagine.
To make the remainder of your “being human” journey a bit easier and let’s just say profitable for your spiritual growth, I will share a couple of suggestions. First be fully involved in your life no matter what. Your life is a beautiful dance where the music is always changing. Where you find yourself is where you put yourself for reasons you probably don’t yet see so stop complaining and ask yourself why. What is all of this trying to show me? What lessons am I supposed to see? Love that face that bounces back from the mirror. Love the people in your life no matter what because they all bare gifts of some kind. Gifts for your growth.
Secondly, appreciate the ability of your senses. To hear sounds, see your surroundings, touch, smell and taste in your environment. Don’t take them for granted. It’s all part of the human picture. Will you experience disappointment? Oh for sure! Squeeze out the lesson and move on. There are other experiences waiting in line, but if you are aware of your true nature as spirit, none of them can hurt you.
And lastly my friend, believe it or not, like it or not, your free will chose all of who you are and all of what you are experiencing. You want to blame fate or karma or even a “God” for where you are? Then we need to talk more about free will choice.
Being human just got bigger now didn’t it?