- The Art of Abundance
Many of us have had or do have house plants. Have you ever seen a root-bound potted plant? You’d know it because it’s withering and slowly dying. When the plant becomes too big for it’s pot there’s nowhere to expand. The roots turn inward, entangling and clumping together, slowly choking off the life-force that sustains the plant. Obviously the only way to save the plant is to repot it, giving it a larger growing area so that the roots can expand to unexplored areas, experiencing new life. This push comes when the divine creative urge that permeates and propels an expanding universe naturally surges through the entire plant, restoring its vitality and wholeness.
Let’s look at this as an important metaphor for our own life. Not unlike all life around us this tells us that if you’re not growing, well you’ll stagnate and eventually could die before your time. Sometimes we’re too busy being busy to notice. We’ve become robotic in our daily routines and responsibilities. It will ultimately sneak up on you. We’ve all felt it at one time or another. That feeling like, ‘there’s got to be more to life’ or ‘my life feels meaningless’. The unmistakable feeling of dread that gets thicker and thicker.
When you cease spiritually and emotionally growing, when your relationships become stagnant, when the job no longer offers positive opportunities to expand, it may be time to metaphorically repot yourself. If this scenario sounds familiar, random actions to change may do more harm than good. As I’ve mentioned many times previously, change is the only constant, but you need to take control of it from a higher perspective. Let’s take a look at what I mean.
When you stagnate, growth ceases, and you unconsciously emit a message to the universe that says, “I am complete here. There is no reason for me to linger on the planet. Just pluck me out and bring me home.” The best course of action of course, is to repot yourself by embracing new thoughts and expansive ideas grounded in the awareness of your oneness with something larger than yourself---an expanding universe, a loving God. Just think of yourself as a spiritual gardener growing a new life, beginning with your next thought seed. What will that be?
I know even from where I’m sitting that that sounds quite cosmic and you’re thinking…what, wait, there has to be more to this. How do I get out of this ick that I’m in? Well, remember the question, how do you eat an elephant? Of course the answer was and still is, one bite at a time. Our daily issues are no different. They may seem as big as an elephant, and you can’t deal with it. But you really can.
Take the issue down to it’s lowest common denominator. Remember, one issue at a time. Close your eyes, take a couple deep breaths and sit. Focus on the issue and ask for guidance to resolve it. Be patient. It may take a few minutes, or even days, but if you have the intent, your higher self will not leave you stranded. Listen to your heart. Thought seeds come into the brain through mind to be processed via the feelings of the heart. Feelings is the answer. If those feelings bring enthusiasm, that is your direction.
Remember, just as a plant will droop and wilt if it is neglected, you will lose your luster if you do not tend to your needs. When a plant takes in enough nourishment in abundant soil, soaking up sufficient sunlight and water, it perks up. It’s leaves become bright and healthy, and it stands taller and stronger. It all starts from its foundation, from within.