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#21 March Forth

March 4, 2020

Hello everyone. I noticed today's date and thought, I can do something with that. Here's what I was inspired to write.

For those that feel that they are besieged with trials and challenges that give way to stress, which gives way to anxiety, and ultimately to depression, take heed. When we were born into this physical space and time there was no guarantee that it would be a cakewalk. We came here with a pre-planned agenda for our spiritual growth, but we have no real conscious memory of it. I will expand on that concept in another article.

Our main focus is to experience life. Life in all its forms and textures. Our human emotions alone provide a plethora of possibilities. Love, joy, excitement, happiness and fulfillment to name just a few on the plus side. Sadness, loneliness, anger, frustration and more on the downside. We can be any of these and more at anytime because, life can get complicated and crazy very quickly. It is unpredictable at the very least because of our varied perceptions of incoming stimuli. No matter what platform you chose to come into this life on, be it wholesome and loving or turbulent and isolated but, if you have a functioning brain, you have more control than you're giving yourself credit for.

Over the years in private practice, many clients sought relief from anxiety. Although anxiety is real to anyone who suffers from it, it really is an overload of wrong thinking. With enough of it and not understanding how to neutralize it, we feel depressed and immobile. Nothing is fun anymore.

After working with them and releasing root causes, I would teach them a technique that was self-applicable, that they could use themselves whenever they felt anxious. As powerful as this is, I also guided them to begin a meditation practice. A daily ritual of only a few minutes to stimulate a center of inner peace. I preached that if you can give yourself an atmosphere of peace before you wandered out into your daily world, you would be better prepared to respond to your outside stimuli rather than reacting to it. That equals less accumulated stress. Of course this works best with consistent daily practice. It needn't be complicated and laborious. Start out short and simple.

Life can be rich and exciting, or dull and boring. We signed up to be here so which option sounds better to you?  Which ever area you find yourself in now, you can gain much more control over your life with a center of inner peace.

So, march forth stout warrior on your chosen pathway. Enjoy life and choose peace. If you start from there, the benefits will surprise you.

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