The title of this blog was a quote I read many years ago. To be honest, with the volumes of books and material I've read and studied over the years, I don't actually remember who it was that said it. All I do know is that it was profound then and it speaks of a powerful truth more than ever in my life now.
To go within requires you to carve out some time and close off distractions, sit in the silence and bring into metal focus that which you are seeking answers or guidance to.
The hard part is that many of us are too busy being busy to bother, but we all are looking for some kind of answer or direction at some point or another to improve a piece of our life. We seem to always start looking to outside sources for help, and although there is value there to be had, the truth is that we'll end up being more confused with the opinions of others. We're missing the mark by not going within as you already have the answer you're looking for.
Let's just look at one example from a question I have gotten on more than one occasion in my coaching practice. "How do I discover my passion or purpose"? The only thing I can say to them is that they have to go within to find it. I certainly don't know what it is, but I can help them reveal it. I give them the following exercise.
Here’s the condensed version…
Go Within And Discover your Passion or Purpose
If you don’t have a clearly defined goal or even a hint concerning what you would like to accomplish, take 10-15 minutes a day to get by yourself, away from any distractions and quiet your mind. Search within and really dig for any hint of what might inspire you to take action toward a task, goal, or passion that your little inner voice has been prodding you to do. If nothing comes to mind ask yourself these questions and be completely honest with yourself.
Have you come up with a few possibilities?
Is it something that you feel truly passionate about?
Great Let’s Move On….
Allow Yourself To Be There
Allow yourself a few minutes to ponder on what it would be like to actually be experiencing whatever it is that you came up with. Really let yourself go and allow yourself to see the end result of your endeavor. Allow yourself to feel what it will feel like, see what it will look like, and hear what it will sound like to reach that place.
Be Thankful For Receiving It
Are your emotions stirred? Great, that’s exactly where you want to be. Now thank God, or your Higher Power, the Universe, or whatever you perceive it to be, for receiving what you envisioned. Express sincere gratitude for attaining whatever your desire is.
Take Baby Steps
Now, it’s time to take action as thoughts, emotions, feelings and situations arise that are in alignment with what it is that you are working toward. When they arise, take some form of action as they arise or as soon as you possibly can. Avoid putting off till tomorrow what can be done right now. Skip a TV show if you have to. Replace the normal time you spend absorbing the negativity of the front page news with working toward your desire. Make time each day and begin to take baby steps toward realizing your dream.
Be Persistent
Make it a habit to do some small thing each day that will contribute to accomplishing your desired outcome, regardless of how petty it may seem. Allow as much time as possible to accomplish as much as possible, but do something to bring you one step closer. Do it every day. Every day!
Be Kind To Yourself
If for whatever reason you do miss a day, don’t beat yourself up. Forgive yourself and get back on track. Tomorrow’s gone and today is another opportunity to move one step closer. Be here now. Forget about yesterday and don’t worry about tomorrow. Do something right now!
There you have it. Make the above steps a daily part of your routine and you will be moving in the direction of fulfilling your desires, whatever they might be.
Develop the discipline to do something each day, regardless of how petty it may seem. Take the time to experience the outcome. Be thankful for the outcome. Take one small step every day. Be persistent. Be kind to yourself. Develop a prosperity mindset.
Your dreams, desires and passions are attainable and are waiting for you to discover them.
Begin it now. Don’t allow the meaningless and petty things in life to keep you from unveiling, discovering and enjoying the important things. Let go of what happened yesterday and stop worrying about what might happen in the future. Tomorrow will be here sooner than you think. Do something now that will allow you to experience and enjoy it.
Don’t allow yourself to fall into the mindset of the majority waiting and thinking that you might be the 1 in 50,000,000 that hit’s the big lottery. Don’t wait for the day that you “feel a little more like it” or “when the kids are a little older” or “when the weather gets a little nicer.”
Develop the mindset that you can, and do it Right Now!