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#18 The Gift of Self

December 12, 2019

Once again it is the season of gift giving. It is the season to recognize and acknowledge all those who you not only love, but are meaningful in your life. Just stop and think about all those who you are planning to or would like to acknowledge with a gift of some kind. Mother, father, wife, husband, children perhaps? Maybe sister, or brother, girlfriend or boyfriend, co-worker or just your best friend? The list can be long or short depending on the extent of either your love or your wallet.

Now think again. Did you forget anyone? Maybe the one person you should love the most? How about yourself? Selfish, you say? No, not really. Try selfless, because you can't really love anyone unless you first love yourself. Don't you suppose you deserve the first gift? 

I'm not necessarily talking about something material that you can go out and get anytime. I'm talking about the gift that costs no money and yet is invaluable. The gift of SELF. This means giving yourself the permission to imagine that you are already the best version of who you really want to be and what you really want to experience or express. 

How would you feel if, using your wonderful imagination, this were so? Despite the seeming reality of what your present senses are telling you. Be honest and step beyond if only for a minute or two. Give yourself that gift and touch that feeling. Emotionalize with that feeling!

Now, do you know what you just did? You leveled the ground and poured the footings to a new reality in the 4th dimension. This is very real and very powerful stuff. With a little more effort and a good measure of belief, this will solidify and you will walk into a new beginning. It is law. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. 

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