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#15 Peace Be With You

November 15, 2019

Someone told me once that I'm always reaching for more. She said that I should always be happy with what I had. It weighed heavy on me for years, probably more subjectively than consciously. Then I discovered metaphysics. Something in me came alive as I peered into this seemingly bottomless pit of possibilities and new truths to my awareness. My soul danced with joy because it knew, even if I didn't, that the more I reached, the more God expanded within me.

What are we collectively dreaming of or yearning for? A day without the media streams of corrupt politicians and fighting somewhere in the world? Maybe a day without another storm, tsunami, hurricane or tornado? Domestic violence? Children living in poverty? Cancer?

The great teacher Jesus said that the poor will always be with us. There will always be wars or rumors of war. But, he says that his peace will be with us too. We can dream of a world we desire, or we can continue to hold the vision of our present world. Together we can see the vision and live our world to a better place. 

When we dream of things and ask why not, we are allowing the divine urges within each of us to soar. Our dreams are our divine urges, and we are responsible for putting legs under them. We make changes to the world at large by first creating those changes within ourselves. Don't be fooled by what your mere senses show you. Instead, be the change. We will never get peace or happiness from life. Rather we must bring them to life.  Peace be with you. 

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