- The Z’s
I seriously doubt that there is anyone out there reading or hearing this blog that wouldn’t agree with the fact that the most difficult hurdle we encounter in being human is dealing with heartbreak. I mean we can go on for years doing life, but sooner or later, we all feel the effects of a broken heart. Some, more often than others, and you’ve got to wonder, just how do they get through it? There are various degrees of heartbreak for sure, but no matter the cause, it pretty much hurts the same. It normally shows up as a result of a loss of some kind in our lives. It almost seems cruel, don’t you think? I mean the loss in and of itself is bad enough, now you’ve got this heartbreak that can literally stop you from wanting to go on living. And why the heart anyway?
Well, this is what I’ve learned from my share of this dreaded byproduct of life. We have to zoom out to the macrocosm to understand it properly. Besides, from there it doesn’t hurt so bad. The hard part for me is only being able to give you the “Reader’s Digest” version of it in this blog post.
Now, about that heartbreak, shall I be so bold as to say, you ordered it… all of it! Of course the “you” that ordered it certainly didn’t do it consciously. Nor is it the image that bounces back from the mirror that represents you with a personality and an ego, but rather the essence of you. The soul fragment or God Particle.
We are spiritual beings first and foremost on a long journey of discovery and becoming that goes far beyond our little third dimensional interplay with emotions in just one of our life experiences. We are part of a greater whole known as Soul, which is a part of an even greater whole known as God, or Source, or Creator or All That Is.
All of what we deal with is by design prior to our physical birth where we (our essence) along with our spiritual guides, masters and soulmates, agree upon various scenarios that will provide the best opportunities for the lessons we need at our stage of soul growth. We have “agreements” with various souls who take the roles of everyone you’ll need at the right time in your life for the right purpose. Of course there is always free will which we utilize quite readily, which can take us closer to or further from our learned lessons.
So far we as a society on the Earth plane have evolved to this third dimension, and within that dimension we are poised at the third sub-level of that dimension. Here in physical density, creation gives us not only the biological components for life, but also it brings in emotions to feel life. These emotions are tied directly to our bodies in one form or another. Our biological heart is by far the most powerful organ we own. It is the part of you that is cosmically guiding you and leading your forward. The heart knows everything. It truly does. This doesn’t mean it can explain everything to you in words, but it knows everything about your future path, but less about your past.
The mistake we make when we are in heartbreak mode is that it’s coming from your heart. It’s more coming from the mind replaying past low vibrations. The mind has a direct connection to your emotions. The mind pulls up an emotionally charged memory that creates a lower vibration in your body so that you can play through and clear and heal some of that past energy in your energy field and continue to open to the future. The heart is very much about the future.
What’s important to know here is that when you’re in heartbreak, the heart has shut down its light, which means the heart has shut down its future. So, when these periods appear, they are not necessarily the wrong choice. It very well may be an opportunity to clear and heal ancient grief. Notice the space you’re in at the time. When your heart is closed down, does your mind only tell you a doom-and-gloom story, or is your higher mind allowed to creep in every now and then and remind you not only that “this too shall pass”, but that on the other side of this, you are going to open up in a more powerful way?