I have come to a point in both my life and in my studies on the nature of reality and the self, that I am very aware of being multi-dimensional. It will actually be the subject matter of my next book. It is certainly a different awareness to carry in everyday life, being in the world, but not of it. It’s a constant balance between being here now, and living as the spiritual being observing it, and seeing that perspective at the same time.
Our physical life is obviously of utmost importance, as that’s pretty much what we’ve got to experience life with. It comes with all the necessary feelings and emotions that are essential to process all stimuli, both internal and external. Unfortunately, the external stimuli we’ve been subjected to globally has been pretty rough over the last several years, not to mention our own individual story lines of stress and heartbreak that are piled on as well. That bleeds through to our internal.
The most natural remedy to combat the darkness of negative stimuli is laughter. Temporary though it may be laughter is a way to give our hearts delight. A delightful heart is an open channel for all the good that can flow into everyone in its path.
Laughter truly is a medicine. Science has documented the health benefits of a good belly laugh. Letting it rip to the point of tears effects your whole inner being, from your emotional body to your physical biological complex. Laughter is just plain good for us. You’re never too old to enjoy these natural benefits and heaven knows, it’s probably been too long for many of you.
Whatever tickles your funny bone is different for everyone, no doubt. Personally, I grew up with the likes of the 3 Stooges, the Marx Brothers, and even Our Gang Comedy. You’ll probably have to look those up, but for me they still carry enough goofiness to make me laugh. I have also several comedies on DVD that I like to put on just to let myself step away from the seriousness of the world and put a smile in my heart. Not only that, but the best part… no prescription needed!
The reality is that we are really spiritual beings that are literally immortal, and all the stimuli that we encounter while in physical incarnation is designed to either balance karma, or just plain help our soul growth. However, once again these physical bodies that we use to navigate this dimension take a lot of abuse both physically and emotionally. We have to be pro-active in keeping them in the best shape possible. They truly are designed to last a very long time. There will be a time when the essence that is you won’t need physical bodies any longer to experience life, but for now, you do.
So take a little time and find your funny bone and give it nourishment. Bring in the clowns and let the tears flow if you can.