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#68 Being in The World, But Not of It

August 1, 2023

“Be yourself, everyone else is taken.”

The title of this month’s blog post has been my personal credo for quite some time now. It is what I do my best to model every day. Some days although the intent is there, I may fall short of living up to it’s standard. Recently, I was guided to dissect this small phrase and really look at it. That’s why I chose to present this blog as part 1 and follow up with part 2 in the next blog. So, let’s see where this guidance is taking us, shall we?

As you all should know by now, I’ve been on a spiritual path for many years. As I reflect on that from this vantage point, it’s been a marvelous adventure, slowly evolving with the shifting sands of time. As I am ready, it takes me deeper and deeper, allowing me to understand who I really am. Not only that, but the feeling of harmony and love coming from that place within can sometimes be indescribable in our English language. When I’m tuned in to the fullness of this concept, all is right with the world that I inhabit.

We are all spiritual beings, having a human experience. You’ve heard me say this time and time again in my blogs, in my books and in speeches. I heard it years ago from one of my many mentors, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and it so resonated with me that I couldn’t let it go. So it is only natural that it is with this concept that I will proceed to dissect the first part of our title.

Being in the world… our divine beingness has evolved to this physical state in what is understood as the 3rd universal dimension or density of reality. It is not my intention here to go into the cosmology of the soul itself of which you are a part of but suffice it to say that within each of the 12 universal dimensions, there are yet 12 sub-levels of each dimension. Your physical self, at this moment is experiencing your physical world in the 3rd sub-level of this 3rd universal dimension. That’s where we sit.

As a spirit entity incarnated as a human, you have chosen a unique personality that fits your needs for this lifetime experience. You see and interact with the world whatever way that works for you. Your world is comprised of others similar, yet different than you. You have feelings and emotions unique to you in every conceivable circumstance and condition in your life. You have free will choice as you navigate through one decision after another. None of your choices are wrong as they are all designed to give growth to the larger part of you… the soul.

Basically, the world you are in is a construct of your own thoughts and actions. You are a collection of everything you’ve ever been from birth and beyond, and you keep changing. Our physical world is also evolving right along with us. Change is in a constant state of flux, regardless of our ability to see it. The only thing that doesn’t change is change itself.

Every morning we awaken to a new day. A new view of our world, complete with new opportunities to experience it. We focus mainly on our day-to-day life, dealing with the responsibilities that we deem important. That’s exactly what we’re supposed to do because we are in the world. We have the construct of time and space which helps us divide and separate our world in bite size frames for learning.

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