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#69 Being in The World, But Not of It (Part 2)

September 25, 2023

“Three words I understand about life; It goes on.” -Robert Frost

Being in the world… well, for those of us that are in fact here now, that’s pretty easy. We’ve got that down pat. But not of it? What does that even mean?

Well, I am of the opinion that we as a society have evolved to a point of understanding that we are so much more than the image that bounces back from the mirror. Even with that awareness, I’m sure most don’t give it too much thought on a day-to-day basis. We’ve all got things to do, places to go and people to see. We’ve got family, friends, relationships and a boatload of responsibilities to say the least. We also have to contend with our daily feelings, and emotions, not to mention various problems and traumas as they show up. All of these and more are woven into the fabric of our everyday lives that consume us at least 16 hours a day. Then we put them on hold while we rest our bodies, only to awaken and find that they are all there waiting for us, plus whatever the new day may bring.

All of that is apart of being in the world, and it’s why we were so excited to come here from the beginning. To experience as much as we can in a physical incarnation. It’s all about the growth of our soul. That my friend, is the catch that we seem to miss. The common denominator of physical life. The dichotomy of being human. We’re here doing what we need to do, experiencing a plethora of things to experience, but we’re not from here, not really. And the funny thing is, you know that, but many don’t know you know it.

We are all spiritual beings having this wonderful human experience, and even though our physical life experience is vital, and we should be paying attention to it for many reasons, it’s also vital to understand not only who you really are, but what you are apart of on a grander scale and where you’re going after your physical life expires. It’s our basic tenant to live our lives the best we can, enjoy the fruits of our labors, multiply our numbers, and pray that we can get through it with as little trauma as possible. However, our physical complex depletes over time, and we die. Some, sooner than later, but none the less, there is an ending to physicality. There is no escaping it, and so many are afraid of this unknown void of “forever”. Yet, how many of us remember where we were before our physical birth? The very same void.

As was stated in the quote by Robert Frost, life goes on. There really is no death, but rather an expansiveness that few of us can even begin to realize. Your soul, of which you are but a fragment, has so much more to share with you on so many levels or dimensions of reality. You will still have all you have now and so much more, but in a different frequency. You will venture into an existence that feels more like home than anything you’ve experienced here, or you can now imagine.

So, to summarize what I feel ‘Being in the world… but not of it’ means; Live your daily life and enjoy as much as you can because you signed up to be here now. Be grateful, be loving, be passionate, forgiving and in awe of it all, but don’t forget who you really are and where you’re going from here when your job is done. Walk the fence line between two worlds. It’s not easy, but it will ease the pain of the difficult times you may face. You are magnificent!

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