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#70 Unity

October 3, 2023

“I am one with the light of God which never fails.” -Dr. George King

We come from the non-duel, the One, and take a body in the land of Two (the us and them)… and our mis-remembering begins. We buy into the idea that we are separate, because all of our outside stimuli makes it appear that way. On top of that a “vail of forgetfulness” clouds our consciousness from our origin and all other prior life experiences, so that we may focus on the life at hand.

As an infant, it is natural to grasp duality. It’s all we’ve got. Chances are very good that our physical parents, even at their age, don’t know that there’s anything but separateness. They had been taken in and hypnotized to the “norm” years before. A cycle that’s gone pretty much unbroken for generations.

Well, there’s good news. We, as a species are evolving quicker now than ever before. The vibration of the earth and our whole galaxy is increasing due to our awakening to our true selves thus raising our consciousness higher which in turn raises the frequency of the collective. More and more souls are stirring and seeking. Asking deep seated questions relative to who they really are, where they came from and why they’re here. The whole “what’s this all about” mentality is escalating.

Hopefully, in another few generations the truth of being will be known and accepted within our culture in this 3rd dimension. With that, we will be able to teach our children at very early stages so they don’t get lost in separateness and duality even though they must be in it to survive.

Unity is more than what we now define it as; ‘the state or fact of being united into one, as of the parts of a whole’. As our consciousness raises and or vibrational frequency increases through awareness, so must the concept of unity. Parts of a whole. We are parts of a whole. That whole is Creator Source, Infinite Being, God. Each and every one of us is a part of that Source. We all carry the Divine Spark. We are to Source as our cells are to our bodies. We are here experiencing life, learning and evolving slowly back to Source, from where we came.

We are One with the Oneness of all things. We are all connected with everything and everyone. That’s real Unity. That’s very difficult for us to wrap our brain around here in the land of two, but there’s a part of you that already knows this. When you hear something or read something that just resonates with a definite YES within, well then that was a soul acknowledging its truth. An instant awakening. A satori.

We’ve got a lot of work yet to do. This concept must be spread far and wide despite the distractions and confusion in our outside world today. Grab hold of this truth to whatever degree your consciousness will allow you to, even if it’s just a “what if” right now. It’s a seed that will grow and I guarantee that once germinated, it will change your life. You will be the walking epidemy of my last two blog posts where I discussed the concept of ‘being in the world, but not of it’.

If humanity can know from an early earthly age that they are really spiritual beings, evolving and moving back toward their own Oneness with Source God, it will be a smoother ride through life experiences here in this 3rd dimension. We’ll have broken the cycle of ignorance and let in the light of our majesty.

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