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#04 Purpose

November 9, 2018

Just a few days ago I was working in my home office. I was preparing for a workshop I will be facilitating in January. A glancing thought danced across my awareness. What would I be doing if I didn't know what my purpose was at this stage of my life? You see, I've recently retired from a day to day work environment. Normally, I suspect it takes some getting used to, not having to hustle out of the house in the early morning, complaining that you either hate your job or you're not getting enough time to pursue what you really want to do, or both. Not that I didn't feel something, because I did, being that I've worked since I was 12 years old. I still "go to it" in a sense every day. It's just that now I have the time to totally focus on my passion and purpose. Actually, I'm very fortunate in that I've known what my purpose was for some time now and have had some part of me involved in it for some 30 plus years.

So now I'm working for myself, and for those I will be blessed to serve. For my last birthday my youngest daughter gave me a sign that sits in my office. It reads, "I didn't retire. I'm just under new management." My wife tells me that this job I've now undertaken will probably be the hardest job I've ever had. I think she's right, but you know what..? It's what I've loved and believed in for so long and I'm fortunate to finally be able to be absorbed in it all day if I choose. The way I see it, it's one of the main reasons I'm on the planet.

At the same time, I can't help but wonder about folks who don't really know what their purpose is, or even care for that matter. If you're happy living day to day, enjoying what you can, that's all well and good. There's certainly nothing wrong with that. However, you just may find yourself at some point of, "now what?" Sleeping until noon and watching re-runs and movies gets old fast, and may I say, so does your body.

Whether you know it or not, you came into this life on purpose with a purpose as well as value. You need to identify and harmonize with that purpose, so that others may grow from your life experiences, wisdom and passion. Not to mention, extending the quality of your own life.

Purpose is not something you find. It's something you uncover as it sleeps within you. If you need to wake it up may I suggest a couple of ideas? Find a quiet place to sit with a pen and paper. Close your eyes after a couple deep breaths and ask yourself these 3 questions; What experiences do I want? How do I want to grow? How can I give back? Now listen for answers, and look for signs that may appear throughout your day. One more optional question might be; if you could do anything in the world that you really, really enjoyed, so much so you may consider actually doing it for free, what would it be? Let your imagination run with that. Your passion or purpose may just be hiding there.

Live your uniqueness. You are a valuable being with talents and gifts. Unwrap them and share!

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