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#05 The Greatest Creation

December 4, 2018

All life, throughout this great universe, is a creation. From no-where to now-here. (notice both are the same word, just spaced different) From a single cell, to the brightest star in the night sky. All of it, is the expression of one Creator. What you call it, doesn’t really matter. Most call this God, some, Source, others, First Cause, Universal Intelligence and the list goes on. For the sake of this article, I’m choosing God.

The wonders of life in all its forms is really breathless when you take the time to look at it. We’ve even come to understand that there are even higher forms of intelligence from unexplored regions outside our universe that some have encountered. At this point in our evolution however, that has been kept “secret”, and we don’t know much about it. So, based on our perspective as human beings, actually spiritual beings having a human experience, we are considered God’s greatest creation.

This by no means is meant to downplay all other life forms. It’s just that we possess the distinct traits of both intellect and inspiration. Most animals, insects to mammals possess intellect in the form of instinct which serves them to survive for sure. They certainly create living places, develop skills to hunt food, and procreate to insure the survival of their respective species. Everything has its place.

What we have and what I want to focus on here is inspiration. We all have it. It’s what rises us up above the rest. Some say the “top of the food chain.” What is it really? I’m sure science could give us all a cleaver answer that would satisfy most, but not me so much.

It has been said that praying is talking to God. It has also been said, and this is what I buy into, that inspiration is God talking to us. The inner whispering of the Divine. Inspiration is the birthplace of desire, another exclusive human quality which gives rise to an idea. That idea now comes in contact with an emotion, yet another human trait. If that emotion is negative, the idea will be left to die away. If, on the other hand the emotion is positive, then it is put on the assembly line in the 4th dimension. Kind of like 3-D printing, only we can’t see it… yet.

Hence, what we do from here is totally up to us. There is a distinct process that brings a desire or idea into being. It happens in two possible ways. By default, or not on purpose, or the preferred road, by intention. I could go on and explain the fine art of manifestation, but it is not the “intention” of this article.

The true intention of this writing is to bring the spotlight onto you! You are God’s greatest creation! Why? I could count many reasons, but most importantly, because you are a co-creator. Through inspiration, God is seeking expression through you, the physical vessel. So, you see, desire is never a selfish thing. It is a gift that you need to pay attention to and do whatever you can to breathe life into it.

Don’t hide your light under a bushel. Thoughts are indeed things. See it, feel it, own it and then share it. You are so much more than the image that bounces back from the mirror. Tag… you’re it!

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