Matthew 6:33 in the New Testament of the Christian Bible reads in full; “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” It was a part of the Sermon on the Mount.
I was recently completing my morning meditation ritual when this verse, in part came to me. I’ve learned not to question these random inspirations, so I quickly jotted it down. For some reason I seem to recall hearing a faint voice afterwards. Just two words; blog post. This coming just days after my last blog entry which was the second entry in the month of October. It just so happened that I had metaphysically dissected another Bible verse in that blog and shared my interpretation for whatever it may have been worth.
Please understand that the main purpose of my blog is to bring awareness and empowerment to the readers relative to who they really are and the power they come into this incarnation with. As I eluded to before, I am a metaphysician who studies the depths of life and what we as spiritual beings perceive as reality. I teach universal law, focusing heavily upon the co-creation, or manifesting our desires using several universal principles that coordinate with the law of attraction.
Metaphysical Bible interpretation was a course I had to take in my doctoral program many years ago, and to be fair, until recently I’ve never ventured into these waters. I understand that it is a sticky area, and it is never my intention to rile up those who follow the word of the Bible verbatim. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs and it isn’t my job to try to change them. The spectrum is wide enough for all.
It is my job however, and mission to help and guide those individuals who have been touched by the shift in consciousness worldwide and are ready for a deeper dive into reality. There is a global awakening happening whether we like it or not and people are looking to grow more spiritually from within. They need more choices to assess truth for their own sake. So, taking a closer look at one of the most read sacred texts and really examining what is being said is important now more than ever. It boils down to how to live our lives as a God particle.
We are all spiritual beings, conscious intelligence infused with the power of God, experiencing endless opportunities in a physical dimension reality to serve one another and grow as one. The Bible is supposed to direct us to know God, and to know God is to know ourselves. Opening up to the concepts of this truth is exhilarating and all consuming.
Being spiritual in nature, we came from a higher dimension of consciousness before we even got here, and in that transition, we’ve forgotten that origin and naturally adhere to the way it is in mass consciousness for our own survival. We take what is downloaded into us and for the most part, live without question, often falling off the path of righteousness through sheer ignorance of self.
Humanity has needed teachers and way-showers throughout its history. Self-realized masters and adepts that heard the word of God the loudest and were led to teach and guide the masses. Jesus the Christ was and is one of those we look to for guidance and growth through his teachings in our Bible and from our priests, pastors and ministers. What we fail to consider is a wider perspective of his teaching since he taught in allegories’.
One of the more well-known teachings of which there are numerous references is “the spirit of God is within you”. In other words, the essence of what is God or Father is your higher self which makes you that which created you. Did you ever take the time to really let that saturate your whole being? Therein lies the master key to your salvation on the spiritual level and your worldly success on the physical level.
We all want to experience all the blessings physical life. We want to be loved, happy, healthy, and enjoy financial abundance. Free from worry and anxiety, fear and heartache. These things and more we can have because we are both the cause and the effect. We are the creator and the creation. Yet, we perpetually go on wanting changes in our conditions, conditions we created, and more “stuff” to adorn our lives. Although this is natural and good, we’re missing just how to go about it. The road to succeeding in realizing your hearts desires as they come along is Seek ye first, the Kingdom of God… the Higher Self, and his righteousness…right thinking, and all these things will be added unto you…desires.
Start your journey getting to know and understand your relationship to God first. As I have already said, to know God is to know yourself. Then on to see now from a higher perspective the very laws of life that are always in play at your very command.
When you can reclaim your seat and become one with Source, there is nothing you can ever really need because you already have it. You just have to bring it in from its 4th dimensional home to your 3rd dimensional reality, by acknowledging that it is already yours and be stalwart in your belief of it. Immerse yourself and all your senses into this assumption, and it will solidify in your reality in its time by law.
So that’s what that particular Biblical quote equates to me. I’m not selling it to you, but maybe just think on it some because after all, you are a creator.