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#29 You Die in Your Sins

October 21, 2020

It has come to my attention recently from a good friend and faithful follower of my blog, that I should consider more frequent entries rather than the once a month routine that I’ve been doing. Well, for anyone that knows me, starting with my wife and children, they would be quick to tell you that I can be somewhat “regimented” in pretty much most of what I do. It takes me a while to let go, switch gears and try something new or different from my norm. So, I decided to listen to the guidance from my higher self this morning and here we are…the second blog post for October of this abnormal year of 2020.

I assume the title of this post grabbed you because it did me in the midst of my studies today. I was reading a lecture from my favorite modern-day mystic, Neville Goddard, given in 1952, just a year after I made my entrance in the physical realm.

It is of course a biblical verse. John 8:24 to be exact. I had to look it up since there was no reference to it in the lecture I was digesting. It’s real meaning differs from the biblical interpretation, which didn’t really surprise me. You see I’ve been a Metaphysician for over 30 years now, and again as those who know me will attest, I just see and understand the world and life differently.

To dissect this verse, you need to understand the meaning of “sin”. It’s really not as dark and gloomy as we’ve been led to believe. It simply means “missing the mark”. Not a sentence to a fiery hell, or a slap in the face of a loving God. It means simply not getting the best or most harmonious outcome from a life lesson or opportunity, based primarily on your thoughts and beliefs.

The whole verse, “you die in your sins…” is relative to ones inability to see or experience a desire of the heart. It’s about feeling failure to achieve something for yourself that you’ve seemingly “prayed” for and didn’t get.

The real reason one doesn’t get what they desire and pray for isn’t because God doesn’t want you to have it. No! It’s because you failed yourself. That’s right. Take it on the chin. You failed to totally embrace the feeling of already having, doing or being that which you really desire. You failed to allow yourself to become a vibrational match to the thing realized. You failed to realize that once you recognize a desire for something and imagine it, it’s already done. It’s yours already.

When you pray in supplication rather than gratitude, you are believing in the lack of the thing desired and that it is hopefully going to bestowed upon you by a power outside of yourself. You only plain missed the mark and therefore, unless you wake up to the fact that you are a spiritual being with the power and will of God within you, you will “die in your sins”.

The Universal Law of Assumption, which is an aspect of the Law of Attraction, is very clear. Assume that you already are or have what you desire and embrace the feeling as so with your imagination and it must solidify in your physical reality.

So many want to create change in their personal lives. So many are burned out, frustrated and confused, now more so than any other time in history due to the radical changes in world society that have been thrust upon us without our consent. The only way to fight back is to get quiet, go within and listen to the guidance from your higher self for clarity and direction. Then feel the excitement from desire itself, because it's the real self (God) talking.

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