If life made you out of itself, which It most certainly did, and if you are an individual just a little different from all other individuals who ever lived, then Life not only created you as an independent being, It also implanted a unique something within you. It will never be duplicated. The spirit that accompanies you through your life is just a little different from the spirit of any other person--not different in that it is isolated, because all are rooted in one being, but different in that it is individual.
Think of it this way: There is a spirit in me and this spirit is God as His own son. Whether or not I understand it, there is a real Me that forever exists in pure spirit. I had nothing to do with this. I merely awoke and discovered it. I did not give it to myself, and I cannot withdraw myself from it. I can only accept it.
Since you are an individual, you can either accept or reject your own spirit. Of course, no one can take it away from you. Somewhere along the line you will be compelled to accept it. However, you can procrastinate, you can divert, you can sidestep or delay this divine event.
If you knew beyond question that this is true, your greatest search would be after your own spirit. Well, you do know this. Every desire you have for betterment in life is some echo from that deep within which forevermore proclaims, "Behold, I make all things new."
from "This Thing Called You"
Ernest Holmes 1948
My daily morning routine consists of about a 40-60 minute meditation, followed by readings from a couple of daily devotionals before I do anything else that day. A few days ago, the above was one of my readings and I felt that I had to include it in this months blog post. I realize that it may be a bit deep for some, but truth often is. It is important to me at this stage of my life to bring an awareness to mankind about not only who you really are, but just how powerful and magnificent your very being is. We've all been apart of some pretty serious global changes and disruptions in our daily worlds and many are in a confused, lost and even scary state of mind. Many are realizing how important it is to go within and touch our spirituality. There is so much more of you that you can't see, but with desire and faith you can and will bring to light that part of you that has been asleep. Once you see even a part of this, you'll realize that it's actually a good time to be alive!