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#27 Thank You For...

September 1, 2020

I think it’s fair to say that the vast majority of us grew up with, at the very least the basic morals and values which would have included the courtesy of saying “thank you” to anyone for giving us something or expressing a kindness toward us. In other words, GRATITUDE. In fact, most would find it downright rude if someone would neglect even a simple thank you for anything that is either done for us or given to us.

With this embedded moral, we almost unconsciously express thanks pretty much every day and really don’t give it much thought. It’s become almost a robotic response for most civilized beings. Notice however that this common courtesy is expressed after something has been done for our behalf. Rightfully so, however I would like to take this time to bring a more rounded view of gratitude itself and bring to your awareness the power of “thank you” before we receive.

GRATITUDE has much more depth than the shallow and almost rote response we give it. There is a higher concept of gratitude that we need to consciously learn to employ for our well-being. In my first book, Genesis 101, The Metaphysical Cosmology in the Process of Creation, I included Gratitude in the eight universal laws that were responsible for manifesting or co-creating something into your life.

A quick peek down the rabbit hole to reveal the truth of something we take so lightly may surprise you. Scripture has many references to “by their works, ye shall know them”. I believe that this truth applies most aptly to Gratitude. For gratitude expresses itself in works. In other words, the higher the concept of gratitude, the greater the works of the individual expressing that gratitude. The act of expressing gratitude is in truth the act of acknowledging (within yourself) the source of all your good…which is God. Also, it is impossible to express gratitude without expressing Love, as they are both components of God, and therefore, inseparable from God.

That being said, gratitude is really is a form of God activity or God expression. So, when we express gratitude, we are really the vehicles through which God pours Itself as Love or as Gratitude.

For the context of this brief discussion we will confine the subject of gratitude to its relationship to supply. What we want or what fulfills us in our daily lives. As a universal law gratitude is an extremely powerful tool. In fact, I remember reading about prayer, and it was said that should you not know much about how to pray or what to say, the most powerful prayer is simply, “thank you”. When Jesus talked about praying without ceasing, He actually meant to be in a state of thanksgiving or gratitude all the time.

I know that most people would say that this just isn’t feasible, given all the negative and disrupting people and circumstances that come our way every day. Let’s just come up for air here. For now, let us just start practicing this thing called gratitude for making improvements in your life. After a time, we will better understand its application in other areas of life. When I say this there are no limits. Whatever you really, really want to have, do or be. Before I go further you need to realize that everything is already created. That truth alone is enough to be thankful for. You’re not really starting from scratch. God had done the work. Your job is to acknowledge it.

Close your eyes and see what it is you desire. New job, loving relationship, perfect health, fat bank account. The list is endless as we are all different and have varied wants and desires. Don’t be shy, put it out there. God has created it all and you are a part of that creation, therefore you are already a part of that which you think you don’t have. See yourself doing being and having. Thank you for my perfect job opportunity. Thank you for my loving mate. Thank you for my total health. Thank you for the influx of cash in my bank account. All this in the face of seemingly the opposite of these affirmations. You must be thankful ahead of receiving, acknowledging that it is already yours and you are so grateful that you can feel the excitement. These are your “works”. As you think it, you create it.

Practicing being grateful for what you desire will lead you to be thankful for what you already know that you have. Even if your life isn’t what you’d consider ideal by many standards you will find something to be thankful for even if it’s just the air you breath or whatever food you have for nourishment. It’s really not that hard to find something that you’re thankful for. Small things lead to bigger things.

Being grateful for experiencing a desire just mentally and emotionally accelerates the actual physical experience toward you. Creating by intention in this way is so divinely satisfying.

Now the elephant in the room. What about being thankful and expressing gratitude for the “not so good” things in your life. I’m sure some may agree that there is more of that than good. By going in this direction, it forces one into what I call introspection. Here, by being grateful you seek the lesson that is in front of you and you’ll become aware of your growth as a result of it. Now the God within you pours itself out as both Love and Gratitude.

Thank you for…

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