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#22 Let Go and Let God

July 1, 2020

I thought I'd take the opportunity this month to announce that my latest book, "The God Particle", is due out hopefully sometime this month. The latest update from my publisher is that it's being prepared at the printers and should be live and available soon. I'm very excited as it's been kind of a long road since I submitted my manuscript back in March. Unfortunately, it got caught up in our global pandemic as the publishing company, like the majority of businesses was forced to work with a skeleton crew which slowed down the process all the way around. All in all though for anyone thinking about writing and working with a self-publishing firm, Stratton Press is aces from top to bottom. Very caring and professional people. They made me feel that both me, and my book were special.

I must also say that I found it particularly synchronous that I ended up going through this submission process during a time when there was so much uncertainty and fear in our world. Of course I questioned my timing and even had doubts that it may never end up getting published at all. Then it dawned on me that I had the same doubts about how I was even going to write the book in the first place, despite the fact that I was inspired to write it shortly after my first book came out four years prior. I knew what the title of the book was supposed to be and even knew what the primary color of the cover was supposed to be, but how I was going to put it together, I hadn't a clue.

The lesson is that I wrote this book, my personal story of my relationship to God totally trusting that I'd be guided on what to say, how to say it and when it had to be written. I had never allowed myself to be guided quite like that before, but I must say it was quite an awakening. So, once I stopped and realized that, I just decided to continue to let go and let God take it the rest of the way which obviously included the publishing part, no matter how long it was to take. I recalled hearing a wise saying many years ago; "you can't make a flower open before its time".  It gave me a whole new perspective on the old saying "let go and let God".

When we can come to a point in our lives when we understand that we are a part of a greater whole that has our best interest in mind, and there is no such thing as failing or making a wrong move, suddenly you become so much more at ease. It is what it is, and it's all good. Somehow, putting your trust in something you can't see, touch or control is quite liberating. It kind of reminds me of the day that the training wheels came off of my bike and my dad finally let go after running behind me. Suddenly balancing just happened. Now, it's a natural thing and you can't unlearn it. Give it a shot. Let go and see where life takes you.

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