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#24 A Bright Tomorrow

June 2, 2020

Every morning, usually quite early, I start my day with a sitting meditation that may last anywhere from three quarters of an hour to an hour. Then, I have a few minutes of inspirational reading from 3 sources I've been using for some time. This morning prior to meditation I was aware that I needed to make this blog entry. One of my readings was a short article by Rev. Dr. Arthur Chang. It starts out; "A bright tomorrow awaits our today. Secretly packaged in this day is a clean sheet of possibilities to spread across a wide swath of time, enchanting the landscape of our minds. Wisely, we the mavericks, will choose and create what this new dawning reveals. Yet to realize the deeper meaning of our lives, our soul's inmost wish is to free us from this slumbering, grey neutrality and release a world of glorious forms and colors, making life miraculous".

Obviously, I was inspired to share this here because I really didn't know where I wanted to go with this months entry. It's also obvious that everyone on the planet spends so much time focusing on the world crisis we all share in right now and outlooks can tend to be bleak to say the least. 

It's important for me to emphasize that we must curb all the negative input and start focusing on our lives and dreams. We're all such powerful creators that we sometimes don't realize that what we focus on expands. The Universe doesn't care what you want to bring into your life, it just responds to the vibration you are sending out and that correlates directly with what you are letting in. It's a double edged sword. It can be good or not so good.

Let's face it. We are seeing the beginnings of a new "normal". I know that may seem scary because of so much unknown, but we have to realize that the world has gone through thousands of changes since it's inception and thousands more since man has stepped in to the mix. We are seeing the results of a collective consciousness over time. With the awareness of our individual power of co-creation, we can contribute to better, more peaceful times by simply focusing on our individual dreams and desires. I know that we all want pretty much the same thing, peace, love and whatever success means to you.

It doesn't have to be that hard. Use your wonderful God given imagination and create your "happy place" with all the trimmings. See it, feel it and accept it. Let that be your bright tomorrow. Water it daily and watch it grow. Do your part and contribute to a better collective consciousness by simply embracing the best you can see for yourself and your family. Change happens one person at a time. Be the change.

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