I recently recalled a silly saying from my early childhood that was both a question and a statement. It went something like this; Did February March? No, but April May! Now for the life of me I cannot tell you if and when I first heard that, or even if I made it up, but it doesn’t matter. The fact is that April this year in particular didn’t seem to “March” at all. Outside of the obvious, the 31st looked and felt much like the 1st with all of us being in a perpetual limbo. There was certainly nothing outstanding in my world being as confined as I found myself.
So, now what? Here we are, another new month and still facing the uncertainties of our future. There are so many of us being held captive by our fears of the great unknown. We are relying on sources outside of us to feed us information and tell us which way to go or even if we can go. Theories and speculations abound. Heaven knows I have mine, and if I were to express them here, I would only be adding fuel to the fire. Besides, it’s not the agenda of this post.
The agenda is to offer constructive options for your empowerment and well-being. I will put this question to you. How are you really feeling at this point of 2020? Typically, on January 1st, we look to the New Year to bring us hope and promise for something better than the previous year. We’re now a full 4 months into it and starting the 5th. I know a few folks that would love to start a 5th of something else right about now if you know what I mean. And, those same people would say to me, well, it is a “solution”! Well, yeah, technically it is but, no! It’s not.
There are many “solutions” to your salvation in this current difficult and strangely foreign global condition we find ourselves in. Fortunately, the human species is amazingly creative and as the old saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. We all seem to have an innate need to be occupied with something all the time to keep our brains active. We can’t just sit quietly and do nothing. We need stimulation and human interaction for healthy survival. Although those of you with a house full of kids probably have more of that than you’d like right about now. God bless you and you have my respect.
At this point, speculation aside, none of us really knows just how long we will be having to deal with this global restructure that is being forced upon us. One thing for sure though, no matter what you choose to occupy yourself with in the neutral zone we’re in, you do need peace of mind first and foremost. I’ve always found that cultivating a “slice” of peace first thing in the morning was always the best platform to step into my world from. I am able to greet the world on my terms and mindset rather than being subjected to the turmoil around me, before my first cup of coffee.
Now more than ever with fear running amuck, it would be wise to initiate the start of your day in the quiet repose of your inner sanctuary, if only for 10 or 15 minutes. To be still and connect with your source, whatever you feel that is. Let that energy envelop you. Listen as it allows you to deposit your fears and encourages you to trust that you and yours are loved and protected from whatever demons may come knocking.
Learn stillness of body. Move not. Learn stillness of heart. Let not the lake of peace be ruffled by violent emotion. Learn stillness of mind, as peace will not come while you move with mental restlessness.
None of us have experienced anything like this before and it is scary for sure. Going within is not only a powerful defense, but an equally powerful offense to visualize a peaceful and healthy future on the other end of all this. Above all, “May” your month be peaceful.