God gave me life 69 years ago today. I have a gift for you in return.
Australian psychiatrist Victor Frankl was quoted as saying, "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom". It's now been six months since our world has been turned upside down and everywhere you look it doesn't appear to be getting a whole lot better. There is so much fear out there that we're becoming blind to the light that still shines. Our faces are covered and we can't see smiles anymore. There is anger, frustration, depression and a whole lot of confusion under those ugly masks that are doing us more harm than good. If this sounds a little like you, I'm telling you now that there is a way out of this black hole. We weren't meant to live like this.
I admit that at first I was one of the angry ones when this whole situation started and conforming to new "rules and regulations' isn't my strong suit. It was getting to me to the point that was inconsistent with my nature. I really know better but sometimes the doctor is his own worst patient. In this process there was only one place to start. I was going to choose to take my peace back because I was giving it away. So, to help myself and humanity this is what I've chosen.
Peace resides in the human heart. Inner peace creates outer peace in your relationships and in the effect that you have upon the global consciousness.
Peace is a choice. It respects your boundaries and it respects the boundaries of others. When you set your boundaries and stop others from intruding into your space, when you respect other people's boundaries and do not intrude into their personal space, then it is possible to move on to the next step, a state of mutual cooperation. Mutual cooperation means that you support each other in ways that come from your heart. You help people because you love the spirit within them. Their outer personality is not the important focus here; it is their inner light, their inner spirit that you can always love, regardless of their outward actions. This, then, is the foundation for unconditional love.
The best model for unconditional love is right above you in the daytime sky. The Sun shines on everyone alike, without any judgment. It is a blazing symbol of the Creator's bounty and a constant guarantee of the energy you need for the experience of life.
When faced with each choice between love and fear, focus on your heart as the source of uplifting love and inspiration. Our mere survival during this tumultuous time depends upon us turning away from the dark negative of our outside world and step into that inner sanctuary and still space. Close your eyes and let your very breath take you to the peace of all understanding. If you cultivate it, it will grow and you will become it. By becoming it, others will feed from you. Choose peace.