The great Sufi mystic Rumi once said, “You were born with wings. Why prefer to crawl through life”?
We all have many gifts, extraordinary gifts. Gifts of perception, insight, and creativity. Gifts of preferences, leanings, and inclinations.
But there is one, just one, that while often overlooked is the most sublime and profound of all, availing you of wonders beyond wonder, and the power to wonder some more.
It is, of course, to think. To choose a focus. To see the world however you like... and to experience it accordingly.
I have devoted over 30 years in the pursuit and study of the nature of reality, the Science of Mind and the Science of Deliberate Creation. Looking into the complexities of metaphysical concepts and universal law. Working at unraveling the various theories and techniques coupled to the Law of Attraction to understand the process of manifestation. I even wrote a book on the topic of co-creation. For me it has been an intoxicating field of study to say the least. A field I soon learned that had within it the proverbial rabbit hole lurking. Well, I didn’t find it, it found me, and I fell in. It’s a deep subject full of mystery and intrigue, but the thought of understanding more of not only who we really are, but just how things we sometimes don’t pay any attention to actually work, has made that fall a thrill ride.
I’ve learned and am still leaning, much more than I have time to share here. However, one important truth I learned was that we humans create our world in one of two ways, by intention or by default. By being conscious of your gift of thought and using it to build your life, or by being unconscious of your thinking, not realizing the power your thoughts wield, as you live your life by random happenstance.
Right now, my work as a transformational life coach is to help people manifest their dreams and desires. To literally create their world, or at least a part of it by intention if you will. It sounds like a tall order but really, they do all the work. It starts with them using their gift of thought. The very gift we all use, mostly unconsciously from the time we open our eyes in the morning until we let go to fall asleep each night. Their first exercise now, is to think about what they’re thinking about because what you think about expands.
By becoming aware of what you’re thinking about helps you see why you are experiencing what you’re experiencing and if what you’re experiencing is inconsistent with what you want in your life well, guess what? Something has to change.
The people I work with have these desires. We all have desires really, but these folks really want to bring them into the light of day. Now I could tell you where these desires come from and why we get them, but I’d be putting one foot into that rabbit hole and we don’t have time for that now.
Suffice to say that these desires bring on a little more intense or focused thinking. We call this imagination. Imagination is the gemstone we harvest with focused thinking. Once you’ve engaged the power of your imagination toward a goal or desire, something else magically appears that becomes the next ingredient necessary to realize your dream. That is e-motion, or energy in motion.
Once your wonderful imagination has built the picture of what you want, the emotion you feel actually experiencing the realized desire in thought, becomes the accelerate that brings it to you from nowhere to now here. As wonderful as this all sounds, it is a double-edged sword because if you’re not thinking about what you want, you very well may be thinking about what you don’t want which will still produce emotion, unfortunately negative emotions. Creating by default.
Now I’m not revealing any secrets here because you’ve all been doing it in one form or another for years. You’ve all heard the saying, be careful what you think about, because you just might get it. Truer words were never spoken.
May I suggest you examine your gift, get your intentions in order, and hand them over to your imagination? Your desires are a focused thought away.