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#11 We Are What We Believe (Part 1)

June 2, 2019

You want to manifest, so you look at the Law of Attraction. Then you want to make changes in your life, some major and some minor, but ALL significant. We all want good health, a loving relationship, financial stability or just the ability to be in a place of peace and harmony. Everyone on the planet, no matter from what country or stature, would agree with this. It's just the natural desire of "being" human.

Many have spent countless hours, days, months and even years searching and researching ways to bring these desires into their life, and are now finally grasping that the Law of Attraction is responsible for what you have or what you don't have. After all, the Law of Attraction says that whatever we place or dominant thoughts on with enthusiasm, will be attracted to us, right? Well, yes...thoughts do become things.

One of the most important ingredients in manifesting is how we think. This puts us in the drivers seat to design the life that we have been dreaming about. It certainly seems easy enough. So, why haven't we learned about this concept back in school? It would have made life so much easier up to this point. To answer the age old question, "Is this all there is to my life"?, we must begin to realize that co-creation takes a little work on our part. It's important to note that first, this law is a Universal that has been in existence since the very beginning of time. It's always working, whether you know it or not, and whether you believe it or not.

You create a life in one of two distinct ways; either by intention, or by default. Take an assessment of your life for a moment. Look around at what you have and what's going on in your life. From the house you live in to the car you drive, to the work you do for a living and to the relationships that you're involved in. Don't forget your current state of health or your bank account. Really look at them and determine if you are an active participant in bringing any of them into what you call reality, or they just kind of happened. To be objective you must take ownership. It's certainly easy to say, "I worked for that", but often, when bad stuff happens, we don't like to blame ourselves for bringing it into our lives. It's so much easier to blame outside circumstances or people, isn't it?

Here is the honest truth that we need to be reminded of often; we attract everything, either consciously or unconsciously. Now stop and ask yourself how many times you thought, "why would I want something bad to happen"? Consciously it doesn't make any sense that we would purposely bring something bad into our world. In fact it's been my experience that while helping people overcome adversities, I had to tip-toe into this area for fear that someone would get downright upset at my suggestion that they brought it on themselves! Victim mentality has been the downfall of many and the reason why people get stuck in their misery.

Surprisingly, you should know that there are other Universal Laws in play designed to harmonize with the Law of Attraction. As I explain in detail in my book, Genesis 101, The Metaphysical Cosmology in the Process of Creation, the whole idea of transformation and co-creation depends on harmonizing with many Universal Laws that dovetail one another to produce a particular result. Looking back to the definition of the Law of Attraction, I left something out intentionally, to introduce this law. Maybe you caught it? Whatever we place our dominant thought on with enthusiasm and belief, we attract into our lives. Enter the Universal Law of Belief.

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