- Ernest Holmes
Despite all that we’ve been through over the last two and a half years worldwide, it is for us here in America our 4th of July or Independence Day! This needs to mean something for us all in the “free” world. We must hold fast to our freedoms and be forever grateful for whatever bounties we manage to enjoy, giving thanks to all who sacrificed to make it so. This as a collective, a community, a society or a family. Rise above the noise and confusion and see what we still have.
No less important a need is to take it down to its lowest common denominator, us as individuals. As stated in the above quote by Ernest Holmes, we are all in a constant state of flux. Change is all around us every day and most of the time it’s thrust upon us, and we need to address it. Be it in the way of the world outside or our own personal world within. And as much as we’d sometimes like to bury our heads in the sand and hope it goes away, well it doesn’t, and we must “walk into the cave”.
In my recent readings I came across something that address this in fine fashion, and I thought I’d share it with you in this blog post. It’s not my work and to be honest I’m not sure who to credit, as it was a story within a story. But it’s too important not to share. It’s title is “Walk Into the Cave Unreluctant”. No one escapes change, so take a moment and think on this.
You must walk into the cave unreluctant. As you enter, your eyes momentarily entertain the vapid darkness, yet it is your heart that will see. It is your heart that will beat with signals of illumination, shedding light for your steps.
You must walk into the cave unreluctant. At first you doubt your ability to navigate the jagged twists and unknown turns. Still, by the simple act of entering, your instincts reawaken, and you are welcomed home to the ancient wisdom nestled within your own mind.
You must walk into the cave unreluctant. And for those beginning moments, you feel tense and fearful about the perceived losses awaiting you. Do you turn around and go back to what is familiar, or do you challenge that fearful impulse and align with the inward will, that cannot cease its calling?
You must walk into the cave unreluctant. And in those initial steps you are weighed by all the life-long evidence you’ve accumulated as to why you cannot succeed. But the deeper you travel into the cave, the further removed those stories become. A new story is established, one that demonstrates how you are far more capable than you’ve ever given yourself credit for.
You must walk into the cave unreluctant, if for no other reason than that you don’t want to. You must walk into the resistance. You must walk into the discomfort. You must lean into the darkness, the doubt, the mystery, for this is where you come to find that the true realization of infinite life, real infinite life---your resurrection---only happens when you walk into the cave unreluctant.
I found this both stimulating and thought provoking. Independence doesn’t come easy as history and any free country can attest. So how could our own personal freedom be any different? As important as it is for each of us to be a free and independent society, that can’t possibly be complete unless we are free within ourselves. To do and be whatever we desire at any given time. We are each spirit, a conscious creative energy bound here by the density of a physical form, but the essence of who we are is both immortal and multidimensional.
Express your freedom from the inside out. It is God given.